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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

LinkedIn is Especially Valuable for Job Seekers Now

In the face of skyrocketing unemployment, LinkedIn is especially valuable for job seekers now. Effective use of LinkedIn can increase the likelihood of landing the job you want. Your profile and several other features can really help – if you use them to your best advantage.   Maximizing Your LinkedIn Profile as Job Seeker Photo. Be sure it’s an up-to-date head shot in which you are dressed as you would be for an interview. It may seem obvious, but there should be no other people in the photo, or any pets. Headline. Use key words from descriptions of the types [...]

By |2020-04-14T11:04:07-06:00April 14th, 2020|0 Comments

Featured is the Newest Profile Section on LinkedIn

There’s a new “kid” on the block – Featured is the newest profile section on LinkedIn. Likely you’re spending most of your time at home these days and much of that is probably online. Hopefully, some of that time is on LinkedIn. I find this site is the best way to stay in touch with business colleagues. As you have looked at people’s LinkedIn profiles, you may have noticed a section in some of them called Featured. It’s a terrific addition to a LinkedIn profile. You will see it right below the About section.   How the Featured Section Works [...]

By |2020-04-09T07:45:51-06:00April 9th, 2020|0 Comments

Do You Participate Effectively in Online Meetings?

Do you participate effectively in online meetings? These days, we find ourselves in online meetings more often than ever. Restrictions in face-to-face gatherings due to the impact of COVID-19 vary by state and can change daily. A number of states have a shelter-in-place (stay-at-home) order, such as Colorado where I live. As a result, many face-to face meetings have moved online to platforms like GoToMeeting or Zoom. Since Zoom is a new tool for many people, here are some tips for participating effectively using this site.   Using Zoom for Video Conferencing For those of you unfamiliar with Zoom, Eric [...]

By |2020-03-26T10:40:15-06:00March 26th, 2020|0 Comments

Positives of Using Social Media in the COVID-19 Era

I believe there are many positives of using social media in the COVID-19 era. Certainly, there are negatives to using social media in this era. Here are some that come to mind: Getting caught up in the blow-by-blow reports on the number of positive cases and deaths. Finding yourself annoyed when people post about the degree of responsiveness of local, state, and national authorities. Social media threads with people arguing about the projected impact of the virus. Inaccurate information about how to keep yourself and others from getting the virus. However, I’ve concluded that the positives of using social media [...]

By |2020-03-16T15:55:35-06:00March 16th, 2020|0 Comments

How to Stop Following Facebook Friends and Business Pages

Have you wanted to know how to stop following Facebook friends and business pages? Unfollowing a Facebook friend allows you to stop receiving posts without unfriending them, which can be awkward. Facebook doesn’t notify someone that you unfriended them. However, once you have unfriended someone, you could come up in the list of people they might want to friend. If this happens, the person may wonder why you are on that list, being they thought the two of you are already friends. And while you may have wanted to see posts from a business page when you first liked the [...]

By |2020-03-11T20:12:11-06:00March 11th, 2020|0 Comments

Selective Use of Notifications on LinkedIn

Selective use of notifications on LinkedIn can greatly benefit you. Perhaps you have never thought to review your notifications. By never adjusting them, you are getting too much information in the notifications section of LinkedIn. Plus, you are getting all kinds of emails in your inbox that likely are not relevant to you. The end result is that you may be ignoring your notifications – both on LinkedIn and via email. Some of these may be of value to you, so take the time to winnow down the types of notifications you get.   Value of Checking Your Notifications If [...]

By |2020-02-18T21:25:44-07:00February 18th, 2020|0 Comments

Tribute to Tom Kaufmann and 905 Careers in Transition

My blog post is a tribute to Tom Kaufmann and 905 Careers in Transition, a group for job seekers. There are two locations of this group – one just north of the Denver metro area, and one in the south Denver metro area. For the last several years, I’ve done a lot of pro bono LinkedIn training for a wide range of job seekers groups. Some of these trainings have been for private groups, like this one. On other occasions, they have been held at county workforce centers. My first experience with job seekers was at a church near my [...]

By |2020-02-12T20:23:32-07:00February 12th, 2020|0 Comments

Positive Results from Collaborating with Folks in Other Generations

I’ve found many positive results from collaborating with folks in other generations. Yet, sometimes people in my Baby Boomer generation make disparaging comments about Millennials or Generation Z. Not surprisingly, the members of those generations can dish it right back. Recently they’ve started to use the phrase “OK Boomer” as their way of criticizing boomers who seem out of touch or dismissive. My intent is not to discredit the many ways in which people are discriminated against because of their age. Instead, I want to offer my perspective on intergenerational collaboration. As an entrepreneur for the past seven years, my [...]

By |2020-02-05T16:07:27-07:00February 5th, 2020|0 Comments

How to Leverage Your Connections When Searching on LinkedIn

You need to know how to leverage your connections when searching on LinkedIn. Whether you’re a business owner or a job seeker, you want to make the most of any connections you have. Your search results are a direct outgrowth of your connections. Yet many people don’t have a clue how to get started searching effectively. LinkedIn provides several kinds of search filters, even for those with a free account. Applying them helps narrow your search so you find just the people you need most. Keep in mind that LinkedIn limits the number of searches a person with a free [...]

By |2020-01-28T15:02:31-07:00January 28th, 2020|0 Comments

Ways to Save Time on Social Media

Have you been looking for ways to save time on social media? Sometimes people find themselves getting far too absorbed in social media when they don’t mean to. They may feel guilty for neglecting the people in their lives. Or they aren’t giving enough attention to important home and professional responsibilities because of time spent on social media. Other people aren’t that keen on social media and try to avoid it as much as possible. Yet, as business owners or job seekers, they see the value of having a strong presence on certain sites. So, they want their time to [...]

By |2020-01-21T21:37:14-07:00January 21st, 2020|3 Comments
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