It’s been good for me to find ways to slow down on social media, especially over the holidays. Over the last few weeks, I’ve read a few great books and spent more time with my family.

Social media, which is often so prominent in my life, was relegated to a secondary status.

Have you found ways to step away from social media, or at least reduce the amount of time you spend on it? If you haven’t, I highly recommend finding ways to take breaks from it now and then.

And you don’t need a major holiday to do it.


Tips for Taking Breaks from Social Media

  • Remind yourself that it’s OK to miss the news that constantly flows through social media sites. If something is really important, you will hear about it.
  • Use other types of communication to stay in touch with family and friends. Your elders appreciate a phone call or a short note sent via snail mail (remember those?). Since I wasn’t able to see my Aunt Rosann over the holidays, I made a point to call her. Talking with her always takes me down memory lane with so many interesting twists and turns.
  • Really focus on the people you are with. The week of Christmas, we had a delightful time with our four-year-old granddaughter and our daughter and son-in-law. Since they live in Vermont and we are in Colorado, we see them just two or three times a year. Simple activities like taking her to the playground or reading to her were so precious. Times like this are so fleeting, and kids grow up before we know it. Social media should take a back seat when dear ones are physically present.
  • After a break, think about which social media sites you hardly missed. Maybe it’s time to close out those accounts and use the time for more experiences “in the real world.”
  • Consider using at least one day (or both) of your weekend to decompress and greatly reduce your time on social media. You will likely start your week more rested and refreshed.


How About You?

How often do you check your smart phone? What percentage of that time is spent checking social media sites? Have you ever taken a break from all social media? What are your tips for doing so? How long were you able to stay away? Which sites did you miss the most?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. She works with business owners, nonprofit organizations, job seekers, consultants, and many others. Find her at