How do you use social media to promote your group and speakers?

When we are part of an organization, we often focus mostly on promoting our group’s meetings and speakers before the event. However, there’s a lot of value in posting on social media after the event takes place.

Recently I presented an overview of LinkedIn to members of the Rising Tide Business Network. The co-founders of this terrific business networking group did an excellent job of using social media to promote all phases of the event.

They focused primarily on Facebook to promote my presentation and celebrate it afterwards. Here are some tips from their playbook:


Pre-event Promotion

  • Select the most appropriate social media sites for your group, the event, and the speaker’s topic.
  • Before posting about the speaker and her/his presentation, confirm the title and topic with the speaker. You may have a different understanding of the material being covered from what the speaker plans to talk about. Offering one thing and delivering something even slightly different is a bad idea.
  • Include logistical information such as how to find the meeting room or where to park.
  • Create excitement and anticipation by posting a few weeks out and a day or two before the event.
  • Encourage your group’s members to comment on or share your posts about the upcoming event.


Post-event Celebration by the Organizer

  • Be sure to take a photo of the speaker during the event. Better yet, take a photo of the speaker with the attendees.
  • Post this photo with a note of thanks to the speaker as soon as possible after the event. Doing so helps build on the energy from the meeting and adds momentum for the group.
  • Tag the speaker in the post so it appears on their personal page on Facebook.


If You’re the Speaker

  • Share the before and after posts by the group to your Facebook business page and other social media sites.
  • Before the event, thank the organizers for inviting you, let your followers know what the group does and that you’re looking forward to speaking.
  • After the event, thank them again on Facebook and other sites. Make a point of complimenting the group and appreciating those who attended.
  • Keep track of all notifications before and after, so you can respond to comments made by others.


How About You?

How do you use social media before and after events that you organize? Do you post more if there is a guest speaker invited? What approaches are most effective for you and your group? If you’ve been a speaker, how have you used social media before and after these events?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. She works with business owners, nonprofit organizations, job seekers, consultants, and many others. Find her at