Boomers' Blog

Facebook Events: If You’re Invited – Bring More People Too

When you are invited to a Facebook event do you invite friends of yours on Facebook to also attend the event? I encourage you to do so. There are several reasons why I believe this to be a good idea. Reasons to Invite Others to a Facebook Event That You're Invited To People who host events want to have a good turnout at the event. Bringing more people to the event enhances your relationship with the host of the event. Even those who can't attend have the option to follow up with the host to learn more about the topic. Those [...]

By |2013-06-20T07:28:45-06:00June 19th, 2013|0 Comments

How LinkedIn Helped Me Find a Tribe

The professional social networking sites LinkedIn has helped countless people to find jobs, organizations, leads, and customers. Today, LinkedIn helped me to find a tribe. Ever get invited to investigate an organization that you didn’t know much about? In the old days (as in prior to about 2008), you would find out about these organizations through a co-worker, business colleague, or perhaps by being solicited directly by the organization. Nowadays you can find out about these organizations via a connection you made through social media.    Julie Genovesi Reaches Out to Me Via LinkedIn Case in point – five days [...]

By |2013-06-12T12:31:38-06:00June 12th, 2013|0 Comments

11 Tips for Business Owners Starting to Blog

Blogging will help your business grow. Plus blogging and social media go hand in hand. Even if you don’t consider yourself much of a writer, you can still share helpful tips related to your industry in a blog. By doing so, you provide information of value to your current and potential customers. Read the blogs and newsletters of other business owners. Doing so will give you ideas for how to best approach blogging for you, your company and your industry. After blogging regularly for nearly a year, here are some things I have learned along the way. Joyce’s Blogging Tips: Stick [...]

By |2013-06-06T07:33:02-06:00June 5th, 2013|2 Comments

Which Email Marketing Service Should I Use?

This week's blog post features guest blogger David Dye, who will share his thoughts about selecting an email marketing platform. Thanks so much, David! Sound familiar? You visit a web page that asks you for your email address… Then you regularly receive email, blog posts, or a newsletter… And you say to yourself, “I want to do that!” (And if you did say that, give yourself a pat on the back for being so smart – email is still the most effective way to reach your audience!)   What Now? The act of collecting email addresses and regularly sending them quality [...]

By |2013-05-29T09:01:10-06:00May 29th, 2013|0 Comments

Friend Requests on Facebook

What’s your approach when someone friends you on Facebook? How do you handle a Friend request from someone you kind of recognize, but you can’t quite place how you know them? Since this has happened to me more than once, I figure it probably happens to just about everyone who uses Facebook. So, to see what other folks do, I posted the following question on my Boomers’ Social Media Tutor Facebook page. How Do You Handle a Friend Request on Facebook From Someone You Don't Quite Recognize? I provided the following options for people to select from. Do you: Accept their [...]

By |2013-05-23T17:13:56-06:00May 23rd, 2013|0 Comments

Strengthen Relationships with Social Media Connections

What is your approach to meeting in person with people you are connected with on LinkedIn or other social media sites? Do you reach out to them one by one and set up a face to face appointment? Do you invite a group of connections to an informal networking event? Recently a friend of mine decided to invite 80 of her connections on LinkedIn to an informal networking event.  Even though she was at least loosely associated with most of these people, only 2 of the 80 invitees wrote back they were coming. She cancelled the event. We talked afterwards [...]

By |2013-05-15T17:06:17-06:00May 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Linking Social Media Posts to Other Social Media Sites

When you post on Twitter, does that post also show up on your Facebook profile? Do your LinkedIn status reports appear as tweets on Twitter? When you pin to one of your Pinterest boards or repin another person’s pin, does that activity show up on Facebook? One of the beauties of social media is that you can tweak the settings of each site to determine whether or not to have this kind of sharing among the sites in which you engage.   Tying Pinterest Activity to Your Facebook Personal Profile For me, I like it when my Facebook friends link [...]

By |2013-05-08T12:53:12-06:00May 8th, 2013|0 Comments

Colleagues or Competitors: How Do You View Others in Your Industry?

Toward the end of her class for small business owners "Social Media Made Simple", our teacher Kelly Mirabella was asked if we should connect on LinkedIn with our competitors. Kelly responded that whether or not to do that depended on your industry. In some industries, it would not be wise to have your director competitors have access to those connections you have cultivated so carefully. In other industries, there really isn’t an issue with a “competitor” having this access. She went on to say that in the social media industry, there is so much business and so much need for [...]

By |2013-05-01T10:33:04-06:00May 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Social Media Classes – Great Places to Learn and Network

Do you attend classes about social media? Whether you are an experienced user of a variety of social media platforms, or whether you are brand new to social media – classes can be a great tool for you. Naturally you expect to learn something about social media at a class. What you might not consider is the incredible opportunity to network at these classes. A recent Lunch and Learn on the topic Pinterest and sponsored by Social Media Study Hall was a gold mine for me in terms of the connections I made there. Find out more about Social Media [...]

By |2013-04-26T08:34:14-06:00April 26th, 2013|4 Comments

“Dumb” Questions About Social Media

When you have a “dumb” question about social media, who do you ask? Anyone who ever has been a first time parent can probably relate to how totally ignorant you can feel about basic baby care matters. You have what I call the “dumb” questions that you are embarrassed to ask people. So what to do? The person I turned to with my “dumb” questions about baby care was my sister-in-law Barbara. Though she was six years my junior, she had a baby 7 months prior to me giving birth to my baby. In my eyes, she was an expert [...]

By |2013-04-16T22:31:03-06:00April 16th, 2013|2 Comments
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