Boomers' Blog

In-Person or Virtual Business Networking Groups?

Do you prefer in-person or virtual business networking groups? When it comes down to groups in general, the main attributes of those I want to stay in or potentially join are: Friendliness of the group – especially to first-time guests The degree of support the members show for each other Whether the group is energetic and the meetings are lively Follow-up by the group leader and members with visitors Whether the meeting is well-run and stays on schedule As a person determines which type of business networking group to join, one of their considerations is in-person vs. virtual. The [...]

By |2024-02-02T08:53:35-07:00February 1st, 2024|0 Comments

Demonstrate Your Services During Your Presentations

There are several ways you can demonstrate your services during your presentations. For example, if you are a business coach, you could demonstrate coaching someone. If you are a voice coach, you could help someone improve their singing style.   Some Benefits of Demonstrating What You Do as Part of a Presentation You provide value to both the attendee you are helping and the rest of the audience. People get a chance to see you in action. If they relate to your service style, they might be more likely to hire you. You challenge yourself by demonstrating your service in [...]

By |2024-01-25T20:40:24-07:00January 25th, 2024|0 Comments

Launching a LinkedIn Newsletter

Have you considered launching a LinkedIn newsletter? If you’ve already done so, it would be great to hear about your experiences. I’ll launch my LinkedIn newsletter on February 9, and I’m excited about this venture. A part of my plans to start this newsletter, I’ve turned to LinkedIn and other sources to learn what’s involved. Also, I’ve reviewed a handful of newsletters published by colleagues to get ideas on format and topics. You might be wondering what’s involved with a LinkedIn newsletter. Instead of publishing articles individually, as you would when you post, you can publish them through your branded [...]

By |2024-01-18T21:03:18-07:00January 18th, 2024|0 Comments

Get on the First Page of a Google Search

Do you want to get on the first page of a Google search? Recently, my business coach challenged me to try various search terms on Google and see how my business showed up. I started with “social media coach” and then tried other related search terms that Google suggested. When I typed in “professional social media coach near me,” my business was on the first page of Google. Wow! Only a few other independently owned businesses came up higher than I did. Other higher listings were from places like Thumbtack and Yelp. In this blog post, I share some [...]

By |2024-01-11T21:12:08-07:00January 11th, 2024|0 Comments

Up Your Game on LinkedIn in 2024

I challenge you to up your game on LinkedIn in 2024. As for me, at a minimum, I commit to posting more often on my company page, taking more advantage of the features of Sales Navigator, and publishing a monthly newsletter through LinkedIn.   Make More Use of My Company Page Do you have a company page for your business on LinkedIn? Even if you have a one-person business, there’s value in having a company page. One of the benefits of having this page is that creating it and posting to it will increase your company’s SEO. The article “How [...]

By |2024-01-04T22:00:06-07:00January 4th, 2024|0 Comments

Thoughts on Getting Older

What are your thoughts on getting older? Since I'm celebrating my 75th birthday this week, I’ve been reflecting on what getting older means to me. Research findings vary in terms of classifying older people into different segments. The approach that makes the most sense to me is the following: People 60 – 74 are young-old People 75 – 84 are old-old People 85+ are the oldest-old Seeing that I’m leaving the young-old category and moving into the next one is sobering. Over the last few years, I’ve had a few more aches and pains. Yet, I’m very fortunate to have [...]

By |2023-12-20T22:18:39-07:00December 20th, 2023|7 Comments

Celebrate Your Communities on Social Media

Do you celebrate your communities on social media? My communities include my business networking groups, Toastmasters clubs, faith community, and more. For this blog post, I’ll focus on my business networking groups. They include: Aging Well Leads Group, part of the West Metro Chamber of Commerce Alternative Business Networking Group DTC and RiNo chapters of the Denver Area B2B Networking Group Preferred Business Network Coast-to-Coast B2B chapter of the SHE Leads Group Simplify Your Social Media Meetup Group Why I Value Being Part of My Business Networking Groups The meetings are educational, positive, and supportive. I tend to leave feeling [...]

By |2023-12-08T07:33:52-07:00December 7th, 2023|0 Comments

Utilize Social Media to Appreciate Volunteers in Your Organization

  Do you utilize social media to appreciate volunteers in your organization? Volunteers are the heart and soul of countless organizations. They make a huge daily impact in faith communities, service clubs, charitable organizations, and more. There are many ways to honor these dedicated individuals – from plaques to award dinners to simple notes of thanks. Consider using social media as one of the ways in which you appreciate volunteers in your organization. Get permission before you reference them or share their photos on social media.   Appreciate Volunteers on LinkedIn Write a LinkedIn recommendation for a volunteer in your [...]

By |2023-11-30T20:54:45-07:00November 30th, 2023|0 Comments

How to Improve Your Training Experiences

Would you like to learn how to improve your training experiences? Reflecting on my recent training experiences, I’ve considered what contributed to their being well-received. My advice relates to preparing for the training, delivering the training, and the follow up after the training. Prepare for the Training When you first commit to giving the training, get the basics of date, time, location, and audience. Book the training in your calendar and create a system for gathering the additional information you’ll need. Confirm the length, focus, and purpose of the training. Talk by phone or Zoom with your point of contact [...]

By |2023-11-17T21:03:35-07:00November 17th, 2023|0 Comments

Why I’m Grateful for SHE Leads Group

As I approach my first anniversary as a member, I’ve been reflecting on why I’m grateful for SHE Leads Group. Since I joined this wonderful organization, I’ve felt like I’ve come home to the kind of group I’ve always wanted to be part of. The group truly embodies all the qualities that are important to me in a business networking group: Friendliness – especially to first-time guests Support – the degree to which members care about each other High energy level Well-run meetings that stay on schedule Follow-up – both by leaders and members   Why I’m Impressed with [...]

By |2023-11-02T22:17:23-06:00November 2nd, 2023|0 Comments
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