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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Stepping Away From Social Media

What has been your experience with stepping away from social media? Can you even imagine doing it? With summer just around the corner and many people planning vacations and/or trips to visit loved ones, this topic has been on my mind. Recently I traveled to northeast Oklahoma to spend time with family members. During those few days, I found myself truly relaxing and slowing down. It was good for me. Though I did check my Facebook newsfeed occasionally, I rarely thought about social media during those precious days. Instead, I focused on my loved ones. This experience reminded me of [...]

By |2016-06-14T13:54:00-06:00June 14th, 2016|0 Comments

LinkedIn Recommendations Should Reflect Your Brand

The ability to get and receive recommendations is one of the best features on LinkedIn. Recommendations provide a way for potential clients and referral partners as well as hiring authorities to learn about your character, your achievements, and the ways in which you provided value to those you served. Recommendations are far more important than simply having some of your skills be endorsed. Endorsing a LinkedIn connection for a skill takes very little effort and is often done quite casually. On the other hand, when people write a recommendation, they typically put some thought into what they say about you [...]

By |2016-06-08T22:28:35-06:00June 8th, 2016|0 Comments

Is Your LinkedIn Public Profile Holding You Back?

Did you realize that there might be sections of your LinkedIn public profile that aren’t appearing when people find you via an internet search? One way to see how your profile appears to the public is to go to your LinkedIn profile and then click on the button that says View Profile As. Notice that at the very top of your screen you will see the words: This is what your profile looks like to: The word Connections then displays on your screen, but if you click on the arrow to the right of Connections, you will see the option of [...]

By |2016-06-01T22:00:13-06:00June 1st, 2016|0 Comments

Issues with Outdated Email Addresses on LinkedIn

Is the email address that displays in your LinkedIn profile the one you want your LinkedIn connections to use to reach you? It is entirely possible that the email address that you used when you created your LinkedIn account is the displaying email address. Heck, you might not even be using that email account any longer. To be sure that the email address that displays is the one that you DO want your connections to use to find you, here is what you should do: How to Update the Email Address Section on LinkedIn Start by clicking on the words [...]

By |2016-05-23T22:09:39-06:00May 23rd, 2016|0 Comments

Brand Yourself With Your LinkedIn URL

Did you know you can customize your LinkedIn URL? By that I mean, you can control what appears under your LinkedIn photo where it has a URL that starts with https://www.linkedin/in and then has your first and last name and a random series of letters and numbers. That is the URL that was assigned to you when you created your LinkedIn account. Doesn’t it make more sense to have a customized LinkedIn URL that brands you and makes you distinct? Here’s how to do that: How to Customize Your LinkedIn URL Go into your LinkedIn profile. Look right below your [...]

By |2016-05-18T22:27:42-06:00May 18th, 2016|0 Comments

What I Learned From Mainstream Video Production

“I watched your video before contacting you. It helped me know I needed your services.” Recently I have been happy to hear those phrases from two separate people who found me via the internet. We’ve known for several years that video is the medium a lot of people prefer, yet many of us have been reluctant to embrace video marketing. Not me! I’ve been collaborating with the fine folks at Mainstream Video Marketing and have been delighted with the results we have achieved. Their awesome team includes Founder Beth Klepper, Freelance Videographer and Owner of Staccato Productions Erica Jaffe, Director [...]

By |2016-05-15T23:15:33-06:00May 15th, 2016|2 Comments

Boost Denver Rocks!

Recently I had the privilege of sharing my “Showcase Yourself on LinkedIn” presentation with Boost Denver – Actionable Education for Passionate Enterprises. Over 20 members learned about ways to optimize the headline, summary, and experience sections of a LinkedIn profile. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had as a social media trainer. My favorite part of the morning was when each participant shared what action they were going to take with their LinkedIn profile based on the tips that I had shared. Talk about powerful feedback!   History and Background of Boost Denver Dru Shockley, CEO and Founder [...]

By |2016-05-09T09:50:41-06:00May 9th, 2016|0 Comments

Enhance Your Influence Through Facebook Groups

Are you using Facebook groups to encourage people to view you as an influencer? A local social media colleague of mine, Hollie Clere, is doing just that. Co-owner of The Social Media Advisor with eight years of social media consulting under her belt, Hollie recently launched a Facebook group called #BeAwesome in Social Media. In just under a month, the group has grown to over 200 members, with Hollie’s questions and tips leading to lively discussions. Should you wish to create a group, be careful and detailed when you outline its purpose and how it operates. Be very specific [...]

By |2016-05-02T12:19:58-06:00May 2nd, 2016|2 Comments

Enhance Your Business Networking with Social Media

Did you know that you can use social media to enhance your face-to-face networking? Now that so many people are connected via popular social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc., sometimes people forget that there is still a place for face-to-face networking. In my opinion, communicating with someone via social networking will never replace the power of a handshake, a smile, and a face-to-face conversation. And I know I am not alone in this opinion. Over 75% of my clients come to me through my involvement in local business networking groups. But just joining them doesn’t bring [...]

By |2016-04-25T00:24:09-06:00April 25th, 2016|0 Comments

Find Your Social Media Tribe

Do you have a social media tribe? By that I mean, who are the folks you consistently go to with questions about using social media? Who are the people whose social media postings you find yourself sharing most often? My social media tribe is Colorado Women in Social Media (CWSM). I chose them because I wanted to be part of a tribe that values inspiration, education, and collaboration. CWSM Members in the photo are back row from far left: Michelle Hoglan, Laura Atencio, Kimbirly Orr, Aimee Skillin; middle row from far left: Lisa Haas, Beth Johnston, Melody Jones, Joyce Feustel, [...]

By |2016-04-18T13:11:05-06:00April 17th, 2016|0 Comments
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