Did you know you can customize your LinkedIn URL?

By that I mean, you can control what appears under your LinkedIn photo where it has a URL that starts with https://www.linkedin/in and then has your first and last name and a random series of letters and numbers. That is the URL that was assigned to you when you created your LinkedIn account.

Advertising concept: red text Personal Branding under the curled piece of Blue torn paper with Hand Drawn Marketing Icons

Doesn’t it make more sense to have a customized LinkedIn URL that brands you and makes you distinct? Here’s how to do that:

How to Customize Your LinkedIn URL

  1. Go into your LinkedIn profile. Look right below your photo for a URL that starts with www.linkedin.com/in/.
  2. Click on the cog wheel to the right of that URL.
  3. At the top right of the screen that comes up next you will see the words Your Public Profile URL.
  4. Click on Customize your LinkedIn URL.
  5. To customize your URL, just click on the pencil icon that is displayed at the end of the URL that says www.linkedin.com/in/
  6. You can, at the minimum, put in just your first and last name. Or if it’s a common name, add a middle name or a number if you wish.
  7. What can be even better is to put the name of your business (or at least the nature of your work) right after your name. Another idea is to add your professional credential after your name, such as CPA if you’re an accountant.
  8. You have up to 30 characters for this customized URL. For example, instead of just having joycefeustel, I could have joycefeustelsocialmediatutor.
  9. Adding my business name of boomersocialmediatutor to my first and last name would take me beyond the 30-character limit. But I could use it instead of using my name.
  10.  Now that you have customized your URL, consider adding it to your business card. You can also reference it on other social media sites, such as on your Facebook business page.



Check Out the YouTube Videos

See screen shots on how to customize your LinkedIn URL and the rest of the videos in my “10 Ways to Stand Out on LinkedIn” video series:


How About You?

Did you know that you have the ability to customize your LinkedIn URL? If you haven’t done that yet, what will be the LinkedIn “moniker” that you will choose to best represent you and your brand?



About Joyce

Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers' Social Media Tutor

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 50 and up, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.