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So far Joyce has created 421 blog entries.

Why It Makes Sense for Your Business to Do Video Marketing

Have you thought about why it makes sense for your business to do video marketing? Using this type of marketing promotes you and your brand in numerous ways. I’ve been using videos as part of my marketing for several years. Just recently, I collaborated with Mainstream Video Production to create four new videos. Getting back into doing more video marketing prompted me to write this post. Here are links to those videos: Why Engage Joyce Feustel as Your Social Media Trainer Facebook Business Pages and Facebook Groups How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile More Robust Nurturing and Leveraging Your LinkedIn [...]

By |2019-03-13T17:53:33-06:00March 13th, 2019|0 Comments

Tips for Effective Use of LinkedIn

I love to share tips for effective use of LinkedIn any time I can! It was such an honor to have Deb Krier, host of the Business Power Hour podcast, interview me recently on this very topic. Deb is social media trainer, LinkedIn strategist, keynote speaker, and marketing advisor. In the hour we spent together, we covered a wide range of tips for being as effective as possible on LinkedIn. It was a wonderful experience, and if you get a chance to be interviewed for a podcast, I hope you say yes! See below for some of the key points [...]

By |2019-02-27T08:07:35-07:00February 27th, 2019|0 Comments

How the Power of Weak Ties Can Work for You on LinkedIn

Have you ever thought about how the power of weak ties can work for you on LinkedIn? Wait a minute, you might be saying. What are weak ties? And how can they be powerful if they’re weak?   What are Weak Ties? Here is an edited version of the definition of weak ties from Wikipedia’s Interpersonal Ties entry: Interpersonal ties, that is the connections or ties between people, come in three varieties: strong, weak, and absent. Some researchers theorize that weak ties are actually responsible for most of the structure of social networks, as well as the transmission of information [...]

By |2019-02-20T10:45:28-07:00February 20th, 2019|2 Comments

Use LinkedIn to Enhance Your Email Introductions

Do you use LinkedIn to enhance your email introductions? Perhaps I should back up and ask if you do email introductions. One of the many reasons I thrive in the entrepreneurial world is my knack for connecting people I think should meet each other. In fact, people I’ve introduced via email have complimented me on how well I compose these emails. One reason for this is that many years ago, I got the idea of including the URL to the LinkedIn profile for each of the people I’m introducing. I do this for a couple reasons. First, giving access to [...]

By |2019-02-18T09:26:50-07:00February 18th, 2019|0 Comments

Maximize the Accomplishments Section of Your LinkedIn Profile

Do you maximize the Accomplishments section of your LinkedIn profile? Probably not. I say that because my experience shows that many people don’t know this section even exists. People tend to focus primarily on their summary, experience, volunteer, and education sections. So, while it’s easy to overlook this section, populating it can make a big difference. If you’ve never added anything to this section, you’ll need to start by clicking on the Add a Profile Section. Then scroll down to accomplishments and click on the arrow. Now you can start looking at the segments of this section and determine where [...]

By |2019-02-11T22:05:35-07:00February 11th, 2019|0 Comments

Consider Teaching Classes at Colorado Free University

I encourage my Denver-area readers to consider teaching classes at Colorado Free University (CFU). This adult education center has been offering quality, affordable, skill-based, and enrichment classes for adults in the greater Denver metro area since 1987. Joyce's CFU Journey My first experience was taking a class at CFU in 1999 when I needed to brush up on computer skills. Since then, I’ve taken a wide range of classes and had excellent experiences each time. In December 2012, I earned an online marketing and social media certificate from CFU. Nine months later I started to teach some of the classes [...]

By |2019-01-29T22:29:58-07:00January 29th, 2019|0 Comments

Connecting Your Facebook Business Page with a Facebook Group

Have you ever thought of connecting your Facebook business page with a Facebook group? For many years, you could only join a Facebook group as yourself, not as your business page. Also, a Facebook business page couldn’t create a group on Facebook. Things have changed, and fortunately, this is a change on Facebook that’s a good one. As you likely know, only a small percentage of the folks who like your page will typically see the posts on your page. Despite this challenge, I still suggest that people create a business page and post to it periodically. Doing so is [...]

By |2019-01-21T22:36:58-07:00January 21st, 2019|0 Comments

Brand Yourself on Your Personal Facebook Page

Do you brand yourself on your personal Facebook page? Whether you have a Facebook business page or not, branding yourself your personal page makes a lot of sense. Generally, I recommend that business owners create a business page. Having such a page increases your company’s search engine optimization (SEO). Also, you have access to many features that are not available on a personal page. In order to make the most of your personal page, conduct a quick audit. Determine if you have populated all the sections described below. Plus make sure that you have selected “public” as the audience for [...]

By |2019-01-15T23:38:10-07:00January 15th, 2019|0 Comments

Use LinkedIn to Appreciate People’s Volunteer Contributions

Do you use LinkedIn to show your appreciation of people's volunteer contributions? One of the many reasons I like to use social media, especially LinkedIn, is that it’s a great tool for appreciating other people. It’s particularly appropriate to appreciate those who have impacted you.   Example of Someone Using LinkedIn to Appreciate Me Just recently, I led a training session for a dozen vice presidents of Membership of Toastmasters clubs in the Denver metro area. I did this training as a volunteer leader within the organization. (Toastmasters is an international organization that helps people improve their communication and leadership [...]

By |2019-01-07T21:24:05-07:00January 7th, 2019|0 Comments
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