Last weekend I was down in Colorado Springs speaking to about 20 fellow Toastmasters (members of an international communication and leadership organization) about using LinkedIn. Typically when I train on this subject I provide information on both how to use the platform to its best advantage as well as how to make a personal profile really shine.

For this group, I decided to poll the audience before I started my presentation, asking them to tell me what stumps them when it comes to LinkedIn. Then I wove my answers into the “standardized” part of my training presentation. Many of their questions were quite insightful, so I thought it would be helpful to my readers if I presented the best ones, with answers of course!

corporate trainning - woman presenting

Here Are Some of Those LinkedIn Questions and My Answers

  • How can I get more people to see my profile?
    • Periodically update your profile, regularly share updates, and post items of value via the publishing feature. You don’t have to write them all either – you can get your name out there by sharing share posts and updates you find in your newsfeed. Just be sure to credit the original author.
  • How can I make my profile more professional and focused?
    • Be sure it includes important key words relating to your professional background in the headline as well as in your profile summary.
    • Take a conceptual approach to your summary with an emphasis on how you can be of service to others rather than what they can do for or purchase from you.
    • Move the sections of your profile around so the parts that showcase you best are the ones people see first.
  • How can I delete connections within a huge network?
    • The most efficient way to do this is by going to the Connections tab, and clicking on the arrow to the right of “Sort by Recent Conversation.” Then select either First Name or Last Name to sort alphabetically. When you find one you want to remove, click on “More,” then on “Remove Connection.
  • How can I use LinkedIn to help me bring visibility to a nonprofit organization where I serve in a leadership role?
    • Be sure to include that leadership role in the Experience section of your profile, as people will notice it more there than if you just list it in the Organizations or Volunteering sections.
    • Include links to websites, photos, videos and other kinds of “media” related to that listing, so people leave your page and go to the nonprofit’s company page.
    • Join groups on LinkedIn where others from that nonprofit hang out and get ideas from them.

How About You?

Are there things that stump you about LinkedIn? Feel free to share them as comments to this blog post. And feel free to answer your fellow posters’ questions if you are LinkedIn savvy.

About Joyce


Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers' Social Media TutorJoyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 50 and up, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, nonprofit organizations, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at