Did you know there are 17 options when posting to a Facebook Business Page?

To be honest, I hadn’t paid much attention to most of them until a student in a Facebook business page class started asking about them. The main option I’ve used is adding a photo or video, which Facebook highly recommends over text-only posts.

My student’s interest in knowing more prompted me to take the time to check them all out. I’ll discuss some here and I’ll describe more of them in next week’s post.


5 Options to Make Your Facebook Business Posts Stand Out

  • Just as with a post on your personal page, you can add Feeling/Activity. There are over 100 feelings to choose from. Pick one or several that illustrate your feelings about the topic you’re posting about. Most of the activities offered seem more personal, but “Traveling To” might apply to a business page post.
  • When you click on Check in, you can show where you are when you create the post. You could pick a business establishment, a city, or any entity with a business page. This can be handy when you want to publicize the location of a client or business colleague.
  • Write Note takes you to a screen where you can compose text that’s longer than a post. When you publish your note on your page, it shows up along with the other posts. In addition, it can always be accessed from the Notes tab. Notes make sense when you have some observations, trends, or tips to share that require more space than an update allows.
  • When you choose Support a Nonprofit, you see a drop-down list of nonprofits. If the one you want isn’t on that list, just type it into the search box. After you select one, it will show on your post. Before you publish the post, include a brief explanation about why you are supporting it. Part of your company’s brand is connected to where you donate your money and/or time. This option helps you to publicize that, while raising awareness and money for it.
  • Add a Milestone turns the post into a celebration of a special occasion, such as the anniversary of when you started your company. You can easily add relevant photos as well. This option is more commonly used in personal posts, such as when someone becomes engaged or gets married. Yet, it could be a wonderful way to draw attention to your company’s milestones.

Next week, I will explain another selection of these interesting and easy-to-use options. Using these options could grab the attention of potential customers, partners, or collaborators.


How About You?

Have you used any of these options? Which ones? Do some seem to bring in more attention than others? Are there any that don’t appeal to you? Why?

About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers and more – ranging from entrepreneurs to people in large corporations. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.