Social Media Day Denver gave me loads of new ideas. I left this amazing event brimming with ways to reconsider my current social media strategies.

Social Media Day is an internationally recognized day devoted to celebrating the ways social media has changed our lives for the better. Erin Cell, founder of Socially Powered, is the driving force behind Social Media Day event in Denver.

Assisted by an extensive team of volunteers, Erin worked tirelessly to pull off a very successful event. We heard from over a dozen locally and nationally recognized leaders in the social media industry. Learn more about this event at


Social Media Day Denver Gave Me Loads of New Ideas

Here are some snippets from a number of these presenters. I’ve organized these snippets by the themes that stood out to me: be authentic, be memorable, and be of service.


Be Authentic

  • Debra Jason of The Write Direction reminded us to be genuine. In other words, it’s okay for the world to see who you truly are. She encouraged us to be the best version of ourselves both online and offline.
  • Chad Illa-Peterson of Social Chadvisor said real stories build relationships. He stressed that the best content comes from something that actually happened. So, be on the lookout for those experiences.
  • Jaime Cohen of TheRightWords reminded us to relax when creating a video. Consider taking her advice by pretending you’re talking with our best friend.


Be Memorable

  • Phil Mershon, director of events for Social Media Examiner, challenged us to ask ourselves what we are known for. He suggested asking clients to come up with four words they think of when they think of you.
  • Joel Comm is a “functional futurist,” as well as an author, keynoter, and much more. In his keynote, he reminded us that we’re each “one of a kind.” In addition, we need to be clear with others about the distinctive ways only we can solve their problems.
  • Phylecia Jones, a motivational speaker, trainer, and budgetologist, asked us to identify opportunities to be the “unicorn in the room.” In other words, she encouraged us to find ways become known in markets where people wouldn’t expect to find us.


Be of Service

  • Laura Pence Atencio of Social Savvy Geek told us that one way to use Twitter to find our tribe. Once you do that, you can be of service to your tribe. For example, comment on their tweets and share them to your Twitter followers.
  • Kim Garst, Social Media Consultant and Strategist shared a number of ways to use Facebook groups to be of service. One idea for such a group is to private support to those who use our services. In that group, we can also create a space where group members can inspire and support each other.
  • Erin Cell of Socially Powered provided a wealth of information about the effective use of Instagram. For example, she uses it to highlight the successes of others.


How About You?

In what ways are you authentic, memorable, and of service in your social media interactions?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. She provides social media tutoring and training to business owners, business development professionals, authors, speakers, coaches, business consultants, job seekers, and many others. Find her at