If you are an author, are you using social media to promote your book? There are numerous opportunities to use social media in this way.

In May 2019, my daughter, Anne Feustel, published her book “Our Favorite Movies: How Films Affect Our Mental Health.”

For this blog post, I’ll focus on how she is currently using social media to promote it during the early stages of her marketing program. Watch for a follow up post after Anne’s book launch party. In that post, I will share more ways to to promote your book using social media.

First, a Look at Anne’s Book

“Our Favorite Movies” shares stories from Anne’s own mental health journey and explores the history of cinematherapy as a tool to create healthy coping skills and sustain personal growth.

She details how each of the 12 movies she covers can affect our mental health, then adds her thoughts and some fun behind-the-scenes facts. Some of the films included are Inside Out, When Harry Met Sally…, Fried Green Tomatoes, and The Princess Bride.


Announcing Your Newly Published Book

  • Post the publication on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and/or Twitter. Include a photo of you with the book to share your excitement about having it in your hands.
  • If you have a link to where to get the book electronically, such as on Amazon, include that. In Anne’s case, she decided to wait until the book launch party to make the book available on Amazon.
  • Ask your family and friends to share the post on the sites they use and spread the word on your behalf.
  • Keep track of who likes or comments on these posts. These are folks you want to invite to your book launch party.


Invite People to a Book Launch Party

  • Create an event on Facebook and/or LinkedIn with information about your book launch party. Include the date, time, and location along with other key information. Make it easy for people to RSVP and be sure to adjust your settings to allow others to post on your event page.
  • Share the event via a post on the relevant social media sites.
  • Again, ask your family and friends to share the post and encourage their social media connections to attend the event.
  • Reshare the post two or three days prior the party to remind people to attend.

If you are in the Denver metro area and want to attend Anne’s book launch party, here’s the link to her Facebook event where you can RSVP. https://www.facebook.com/events/2343085252416007/


How About You?

Have you written a book? How did you use social media to promote it? What worked well and what was less successful? What advice can you add?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and more – ranging from entrepreneurs to people in large corporations. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.