Have you thought about ways to pay it forward and give back to your community?

Have you offered your services on a pro bono basis? Do you share your expertise with others through teaching or mentoring?

Do you serve in leadership roles in your business or professional organization and/or in a community group?

Maybe you volunteer for a nonprofit organization. Perhaps you help at your child or grandchild’s school or at your place of worship.

I truly believe in the concept of generosity of spirit and have done my best to serve others with that mindset.


Ways I’ve Been Paying It Forward Lately as a LinkedIn Trainer

In the past week I’ve taught a class on LinkedIn at two sections of a business communication class at the Community College of Denver. I’ve also shared some LinkedIn tips with members of out-of-work financial executives. While these were very different audiences, both were eager to learn more about LinkedIn.

Many of the college students didn’t have a LinkedIn account, and some had hardly heard of it. Yet, they gave me their full attention as I explained the value of being on LinkedIn.

After I shared the key elements of a LinkedIn account, an eager student offered to create his account. It was fun for us to see his brand-new account unfold right before our eyes. And I was honored to be his very first LinkedIn connection.

Most of the financial executives were familiar with LinkedIn, yet they still appreciated the refresher. Some wondered about which invites to accept, and some frankly yearned for the “old days” before social media.

Being I’m in my late 60’s, I can relate to those who miss the old days. Yet, ever since I started using social media, I’ve seen the power and value in these sites. I’m a role model for these folks as an older person who’s embraced social media.



Serving as a Leader and Mentoring Upcoming Leaders

When you lead a group or mentor the new leaders, you also give back to your community. Think about the ways in which you’ve served as a leader and the impact you have had.

Recently I read the book Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath. According to research he cites, followers have four basic needs: trust, compassion, stability and hope. Are you as a leader fulfilling those needs?

I believe that the most effective leaders serve from a place of humility. They want what is best for the group. They put aside their ego to help the group be successful and healthy.


How About You?

How do you give back to your community? What have been some of the most rewarding ways in which you have paid it forward?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 45 and up, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.