What motivates you to like a page on Facebook?

Having just encouraged folks I know to like my company’s page on Facebook, I am especially curious what prompts people to like a page.


Are you friends with the person who created the page for his or her business? Are you a member of the nonprofit group who decided to set up a page on Facebook?

Do you find yourself regular shopping at a store, so you like the page to get the latest updates?

Or maybe you like your Starbucks on a regular basis and simply like to be part of their Facebook page community because it reminds you of being at Starbucks.

I like pages for all kinds of reasons:

  • The page “owner” asked me to like the page, and that person is a good friend of mine.
  • I believe in the organization’s cause, so like the page as a show of support.
  • The page is a place where I can easily communicate with others who are in the group that created the page.
  • The page is about social media, and though I am a social media tutor myself, I am constantly in a learning mode when it comes to social media.
  • It’s a great way to stay abreast of a sports figure I admire or a sports team I follow.
  • To be entertained and inspired by the photos and quotes I find on these pages.

What I especially appreciate is when a page isn’t promotional, yet by offering me information, entertainment, inspiration, or some combination of all three, I find myself served by the page. Those are the pages I find of value.


What are your favorite pages to follow?

Also, do you periodically go the “Like Pages” feature on Facebook and see what pages that Facebook is recommending that you consider liking?

I drop into that feature now and then to see what comes up, and have on occasion starting liking a page because I found it on that list.

Please share your experiences around liking pages on Facebook. I would love to hear from you.


Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium.  Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com