Individual people have personal pages on Facebook. Companies, nonprofit organizations, public figures, and other public entities have business pages.

Most people use Facebook primarily to stay in touch with people they know.

However, some use it to obtain information about companies, brands, and/or organizations that interest them.

If you want to learn more about any of these types of entities, you will need to “like” that entity’s business page. When you like a business page, all your Facebook friends are notified via their news feed that you have done so. Also, the profile photo for each page you have liked will be displayed in the “Likes” section of your personal page, aka timeline.


In addition, posts made by the business pages you have liked may appear in your news feed on your home page. The reason I say that it “may” appear is because often these posts do not appear in your news feed unless the administrator of the business page pays Facebook to “boost” or promote a specific post.


Finding Business Pages to Like

Before liking a page, you will probably want to check it out first and review the kinds of posts being made on that page are of value to you.


There are several ways to find these types of pages.

  • Use the search box at the top of the screen.
  • A posting may appear in your news feed.
  • It might be show up in the “about” section of a Facebook friend’s personal page.
  • A Facebook friend might recommend a page to you. In this case, you will see the words “like pages” on the left side of your home page. You can click on it to go to the page being recommended.

In all of these cases, you be able to review the page and click “like” if you wish.

In someone recommends a page that you don’t want to see, simply hover your cursor over the top right corner of the photo associated with page. The words “remove this suggestion” will appear. Click on the X below “remove this suggestion” and it will go away.

To unlike a business page: type the name of the page into your search box, click on the page, then hover over “liked” and then click on the “unlike” option.


To find out more about business pages on Facebook, just go to the Facebook Help Center at


How About You?

Are you someone who likes a lot of business pages on Facebook? Or are you more selective? What criteria do you use when deciding whether or not to like a business page?

About Joyce



Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 50 and up, to become more comfortable using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, nonprofit organizations, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at