Have you ever felt you were relatively good at doing something, and then someone who was better than you gave you some tips?

When that happens, does your ego get bruised? Or are you grateful to become even more proficient at that skill or concept?

Spending 2 ½ hours tonight with instructor Lindsey Day at the Colorado Free University was truly an enlightening experience. And one for which I am very grateful.

In her class “LinkedIn 201: LinkedIn for Business Advancement” she maneuvered around the LinkedIn website with the agility and preciseness of an athlete.

I could see why this was not the introductory class, that’s for sure.

LinkedIn is a social media website that is useful if you want to stay connected with those you know professionally and make new connections with professionals in your field – which could be for paid work or avocation.


Even though I have been active on LinkedIn since December 2008, there were features of this very robust tool that I had not known about. I was especially grateful for the ways I can more effectively communicate with my contacts on the site.

Plus she very systemically laid out how to create a company page, and then how to enhance it and promote it.

Here are some of the very helpful links that Lindsay provided in her handout:

Company Pages


General Information about LinkedIn

And here is one more link that I recommend for creating your profile on LinkedIn:


To get started on LinkedIn, just go to www.linkedin.com

Lindsey also teaches an introductory course on LinkedIn for those just getting started with it. For a schedule of her classes and all the social media classes at Colorado Free University, just go to www.freeu.com

Where are you improving? Who are the people who are taking you to the next step? Who are the Lindseys in your life?

Please share your stories with me. I would love to hear them.


Joyce Feustel, Founder

Boomers’ Social Media Tutor
