Boomers' Blog

7 Random Facebook Factoids

In preparing to teach the Facebook for Beginners class at this week at Colorado Free University, a local community learning center, I really dug deeply into Facebook. Much of the information was review. Yet there were a few interesting items that I gleaned from my research and from other helpful sources of Facebook info.   Facebook Factoids You can join up to 300 Facebook groups. It is hard to imagine anyone joining that many groups, but I suppose there could be people with loads of interests and loads of time on their hands. How many groups are you in? How [...]

By |2013-09-30T11:22:07-06:00September 20th, 2013|2 Comments

Natural Disasters and Social Media

Since I am not much of a TV watcher, I didn’t even think to turn on my TV to stay up to date on the flooding in my state of Colorado this week. Instead, I just popped into my Facebook news feed to watch for posts made by individuals and of posts shared from news outlets. Whether you use Facebook, Twitter and/or other social media sites to stay on top of breaking news in your community, state, nation or world, you can know 24/7 what is going on. There are many positives to using social media in times of natural [...]

By |2013-09-14T12:44:49-06:00September 14th, 2013|0 Comments

Social Media Connection Opened a Door for Me

Has a social media connection opened up unexpected doors for you? Probably each person using social media has had this kind of thing happen at least once, if not many times. Here’s the story of how my latest door opened for me. Julie Genovesi Finds Me on LinkedIn Nearly 3 months ago New York Life Insurance Agent Julie Genovesi found me on the business oriented social media site LinkedIn and asked me to connect with her. After reviewing her profile, I accepted her invite. Although I am a pretty open networker, I do like to know why people want to connect [...]

By |2013-09-06T16:14:49-06:00September 6th, 2013|0 Comments

Meeting Social Media Connections in Person

Last week when I was in Cincinnati for a Toastmasters convention, I got into a conversation with another Toastmaster about a social media training session that was held at the convention. He told me that he wasn’t at the session, but that he heard it was led by a woman named Crystal and the woman had blond hair. Disappointed that I had missed this session, I got to thinking that perhaps this session was led by my LinkedIn friend Crystal Thies, as she fit the description of the presenter. So, I messaged through LinkedIn asking her if she had been the one [...]

By |2013-08-30T11:02:06-06:00August 30th, 2013|0 Comments

So Many Social Media Sites – How Do I Find the Right Ones for Me?

Do you struggle to determine where to focus your social media energy and time? As I provide social media tutoring, training and consulting to individuals and business owners, this matter of finding and using appropriate social media sites comes up frequently.   Why are You Using Social Media? The first question to ask is: WHY am I drawn to use social media? You really need to know your purpose in using these sites before you answer any other questions. People use social media for many different reasons. They use it to: Be entertained Learn something new Stay connected with loved ones [...]

By |2013-08-19T14:58:57-06:00August 19th, 2013|0 Comments

“Back to School” with Social Media

How did you first figure out how to use Facebook? Or how about Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, or any of the other commonly used social media platforms?  Started playing around with that social media site Someone showed/told you how – either for free or you paid them to help you Through a book Via the Internet – such as by reading blogs, articles and other informational pieces Through an in-person or online class I have used all those ways, and others as well. Here we are in the first half of August, and kids are already gearing up for going [...]

By |2013-08-09T23:42:32-06:00August 9th, 2013|1 Comment

4 Social Media Tips for Nonprofit Organizations

Are you active in a nonprofit organization? Are you connected via social media with that entity and with members in that entity? Having just spent a couple of years spearheading an initiative to get more social media involvement among members of a Toastmasters district that has over 170 clubs and 3,000 Toastmasters in three states, I have some thoughts on this topic.   Have Social Media Links on Your Website Even though I blog about social media, ultimately everything in cyberspace needs to circle back to an entity’s website. Whether that entity is a small business, a corporation or a [...]

By |2013-08-02T13:58:36-06:00August 2nd, 2013|2 Comments

Your Brand and How Social Media Can Help Showcase It

When people think of you, how do they describe you? If you own a business, what do your clients and customers have to say about it? How does your presence on social media reflect your brand? Definition of Branding According to the American Marketing Association Dictionary: A brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers.” Often we think of logos when we think of a brand, such as this logo of the University of Wisconsin- Madison where I went to college. But a brand goes far beyond [...]

By |2013-07-26T10:21:01-06:00July 26th, 2013|2 Comments

Followers on Facebook

Do you have followers on Facebook? Are you following folks on Facebook? Have you checked your privacy settings lately regarding followers? What are Followers on Facebook? Followers may be people you didn't accept as a friend on Facebook when they sent you a friend request. Or perhaps they found your personal profile on Facebook and chose to follow you rather than ask you to be friends with them on Facebook. Here is a link to information about followers: Though as an aside, I find it curious that when giving examples of people to follow that Tim Tebow would be suggested along [...]

By |2013-07-18T21:56:05-06:00July 18th, 2013|0 Comments

Hashtags on Facebook

I always find it intriguing how the major social media sites add features that are found on other social media sites. Much of the time, those changes work for me, that is once I get used to them. One of the latest changes is that you will find hashtags on Facebook, whereas before these were found only on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr. Facebook introduced their use in mid-June of this year. Here is a link to Facebook’s explanation of using a hashtag (#) before a word or phrase:   What is the Point of Hashtags? Quoting from the [...]

By |2013-06-26T20:13:50-06:00June 26th, 2013|4 Comments
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