Boomers' Blog

What You Can Learn from Someone’s Activity and Interests Sections on LinkedIn

Have you ever wondered what you can learn from someone’s Activity and Interests sections on LinkedIn? Heck, you might not even know about these sections. People often ask me how to decide whether or not to connect with someone on LinkedIn. Checking out these sections, especially the Activity section, can help you make this decision. Also, you can use this information before becoming referral partners with them or taking them on as a client.   Activity Section The Activity section includes everything that a person has posted, shared, reacted to, or commented on in the last 90 days. This section [...]

By |2021-08-12T19:58:44-06:00August 12th, 2021|0 Comments

Having Generosity of Spirit is Good for You and Your Business

I truly believe that having generosity of spirit is good for you and your business. A variation of this concept is called “giving away your best stuff.” On the face of it, having generosity of spirit and giving away your best stuff may not make sense. Yet, sharing valuable information and ideas for free pays off in the end. Many of us have been reflecting on how we can be of service to others during the COVID-19 era. As much as we would want it to be otherwise, this virus continues to remain part of our lives. We can each [...]

By |2021-08-04T22:24:29-06:00August 4th, 2021|0 Comments

Nine Ways to Promote Your Speaking Engagements

There are at least nine ways to promote your speaking engagements. I’ve tried a variety of ways to promote these engagements and increase attendance – whether at my own events or as a guest speaker. The tips in this blog post apply whether it is an in-person or virtual event. They can also be applicable for podcast appearances.   Preparing to Promote Your Speaking Engagement Make sure your presentation title is short, catchy and understandable. You need to grab people’s attention right away, and that’s what the title will do for you. Include a short description of your talk with [...]

By |2021-07-30T08:30:28-06:00July 30th, 2021|0 Comments

How to Ask for and Give Reviews on Google

Have you wondered how to ask for and give reviews on Google? Over the last six months, I’ve become more intentional in both asking for these reviews as well as giving them. Previously, I was more focused on LinkedIn recommendations and Facebook business page reviews and had neglected Google reviews. Since I started asking for and receiving Google reviews, the activity on my Google page has definitely increased.   What’s the Value of Having Good Google Reviews?  There are countless reasons for having good Google reviews. In their August 2020 blog DevDigital shared 5 Reasons Why Google Reviews are Important [...]

By |2021-07-21T21:49:05-06:00July 21st, 2021|0 Comments

Reasons For Relying on Your LinkedIn Connections

Have you ever thought about reasons for relying on your LinkedIn connections? Our LinkedIn connections are the lifeblood of our LinkedIn experience. However, much of the time we neglect to utilize their full potential.   Some Reasons to Tap into Your LinkedIn Connections Help a job seeker who wants to conduct some informational interviews. Let’s say a friend of yours is thinking about going into a new line of work. You may have LinkedIn connections in that field. By using search filters, you can find LinkedIn connections your friend can contact to arrange such an interview. Discover people working at [...]

By |2021-07-15T22:13:18-06:00July 15th, 2021|0 Comments

How to Be the Best Podcast Guest Ever!

Have you considered being a guest on a podcast? First, you need to determine if the podcast world is a fit for you. Do your clients, referral partners or others interested in your services listen to podcasts? Do you have a message, background story or other information that fits the podcast format? When I asked myself those questions, I found that being a podcast guest is a good fit for me. I also discovered that I have a knack for the kind of extemporaneous speaking that works well in this environment. Also, being a podcast guest allows me to inspire [...]

By |2021-07-07T21:06:42-06:00July 7th, 2021|0 Comments

Use LinkedIn to Strengthen Your Relationships with Others

Do you use LinkedIn to strengthen your relationships with others? Too many people think of social media as one-way communication. The point of LinkedIn is to help people in the business world connect with each other. Therefore, you should spend at least some of your time liking, commenting on and sharing the information that others post. It’s important to find a good balance between sharing information posted by others and writing your own posts.   React to, Comment on and Share the Activity of Others on LinkedIn At least a couple times a week, skim your LinkedIn newsfeed looking for [...]

By |2021-06-30T21:58:24-06:00June 30th, 2021|0 Comments

How to Deal With the Challenges Associated with Injuring Yourself In a Minor Accident

Have you ever thought about how to deal with the challenges associated with injuring yourself in a minor accident? Frankly, I was ill-prepared for these challenges when I had to deal with them.   Here's How I Injured Myself On Friday, June 11, I fell and broke two bones in my right wrist when I was walking my dogs at a park near my home. They wanted to play with a dog they saw on the trail and broke away from me, knocking me over in the process. My husband, Bruce, took me to the local emergency room after I [...]

By |2021-06-20T19:47:29-06:00June 20th, 2021|8 Comments

The Importance of Your Why and the Why of Your Customers

Do ever wonder about the importance of your “why” as a business owner and the “why” of your customers? Ariel Naftali and Tish Gance spoke about these topics at the June meeting of my Simplify Your Social Media Meetup group.  Ariel, a purpose coach, focused on the business owner's why. Then Tish, a brand experience designer, provided examples of what goes into a customer’s purchase decisions – their why. Each month I invite speakers to address social media topics or related aspects of business at my Meetup group. I record the presentations and then post them in a playlist on [...]

By |2021-06-09T22:20:54-06:00June 9th, 2021|0 Comments

LinkedIn Tips for Entrepreneurs

Recently, Lori Dubois of Marketing Troubadour asked me to share some LinkedIn tips for entrepreneurs for her Inside Scoop program. Lori runs the Facebook Group Troubadour Collective - Branding and Marketing for Entrepreneurs. The Inside Scoop is a weekly program in which she conducts an interview of a different member of this group. Here are some highlights from our interview: Why is LinkedIn so underutilized? Many people are mystified by LinkedIn. They simply haven’t spent much time on this social media site and associate it mainly with looking for a job. LinkedIn isn’t as visually appealing as other social media [...]

By |2021-06-02T21:46:52-06:00June 2nd, 2021|0 Comments
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