
About Joyce

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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Cyberspace Networking – What’s Your Style?

I have been thinking lately about how my cyberspace networking style is so similar to the one I have when meeting people face to face. My style is extremely open, as I practically make a hobby out of meeting new people. There is something about getting to know the story of someone’s life (or at least the high points) that fascinates me. Curiously, I am much more willing to reach out to new people I encounter on LinkedIn than I am on Facebook. When I am in a group with someone on LinkedIn and I find their comments to be [...]

By |2012-08-14T22:13:58-06:00August 14th, 2012|0 Comments

Social Media Sites – How to Find the Best Ones for You

Just as I was mulling how to put together a blog post that would summarize and compare the major social media sites, I found a very well written piece that I thought my readers would find very helpful.  I found it through a posting in my LinkedIn newsfeed, and it was posted by an official representative of the LinkedIn social media website. Author Katherine Reynolds Lewis in her article: “Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tweets, Oh My! Everything a Working Mom Needs to Know about Social Networking” takes a very practical approach to contrasting these social media sites. She answers the following [...]

By |2012-08-09T22:23:50-06:00August 9th, 2012|2 Comments

Sports Fans on Social Media

Are you a sports fan? Do you follow your favorite sports team on Twitter or on Facebook? It is also fun to search YouTube if you want to see interviews with your favorite players or highlights from a key game. College and professional football fans are chomping at the bit for the football season to take off. Or perhaps you are still rooting for your favorite baseball team to win the World Series. Since my Colorado Rockies keep falling into a downward spiral, I am turning my attention to football, which is my very favorite sport anyway. As a lifelong [...]

By |2012-08-06T22:45:08-06:00August 6th, 2012|8 Comments

Extending the Memories – In Old Fashioned and New Fangled Ways

Tonight I did something that some might find rather quaint. I wrote personal notes on birthday cards and anniversary cards and enclosed some photos. Tomorrow I will put these notes into the US mail. What’s the occasion you might wonder? The occasion is my niece’s wedding that took place just under a month ago. Seeing the pure joy on the face of my niece and her new husband during their wedding reminds me that family is all about celebrating and honoring the love that binds us together. While there I took photos on my smart phone, but the ones I [...]

By |2012-08-02T23:16:40-06:00August 2nd, 2012|4 Comments

Learning From Lindsey

Have you ever felt you were relatively good at doing something, and then someone who was better than you gave you some tips? When that happens, does your ego get bruised? Or are you grateful to become even more proficient at that skill or concept? Spending 2 ½ hours tonight with instructor Lindsey Day at the Colorado Free University was truly an enlightening experience. And one for which I am very grateful. In her class “LinkedIn 201: LinkedIn for Business Advancement” she maneuvered around the LinkedIn website with the agility and preciseness of an athlete. I could see why this [...]

By |2012-07-31T22:50:17-06:00July 31st, 2012|0 Comments

Going Back To School

What classes have you taken lately? Are you pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree? What certifications are you working on? In what I often call my “day job,” I work as an enrollment advisor for the College for Financial Planning. That means helping professionals in the financial planning industry assess their educational needs. Then I guide them through a process of determining which distance educational programs that our college offers will best meet their needs. If you are curious about our college, check out It doesn’t just take money and time to go back to school. It also takes [...]

By |2012-07-26T22:40:06-06:00July 26th, 2012|0 Comments

Register to Vote Via Facebook

Do you know someone who lives in the state of Washington and needs to register to vote? Does that person have a Facebook account? The Secretary of State for the state of Washington recently announced that residents of Washington will soon be able to go to the state’s Facebook page and register to vote. Here is a quote from the press release: "In this age of social media and more people going online for services, this is a natural way to introduce people to online registration and leverage the power of friends on Facebook to get more people registered," said [...]

By |2012-07-24T22:32:48-06:00July 24th, 2012|0 Comments

Facebook Pages for Nonprofit Organizations

Where do you volunteer?  What groups or clubs do you belong to? Where do you donate money? Perhaps you are involved with your church, your child’s school, your favorite charity, or maybe a service club or other organization. One way you can help the entities where you volunteer is participate on that entity’s Facebook Page.  For example, you could post on your church’s Facebook Page that the minister gave an especially powerful sermon. Or if your child’s parent teacher organization or your favorite charity is having a fundraiser, you can set that up as an event on the Facebook Page [...]

By |2012-07-19T22:37:46-06:00July 19th, 2012|0 Comments

Resources for Using Social Media Sites

When I first got started on Facebook and on LinkedIn, I dove into a number of books to help me better understand these social media sites. The very first book I read was Facebook for Dummies by Carolyn Abram and Leah Pearlman. Written in easy to follow language and logically organized, this book was my Facebook “Bible” for some time. This year Carolyn Abram wrote Facebook for Dummies – Portable Edition. It reviews much of the basic information from the original book, plus it has sections on the newer iterations of Facebook, such as the Timeline. I especially like it [...]

By |2012-06-29T23:14:29-06:00June 29th, 2012|2 Comments

How Did You Get Started On Social Media?

When you got started with social media, was it your idea? Or did someone else drag you into being active in that site? How did you decide which site to start with? How do you decide now that you have at least some experience with social media? I remember when I got my first friend request for Facebook. It was from a fellow in my Toastmasters clubs who had decided not to renew his membership because he and his wife were expecting a baby in a few months. Oh yes, I should mention that Toastmasters is an organization that helps [...]

By |2012-06-22T20:30:13-06:00June 22nd, 2012|2 Comments
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