
About Joyce

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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Your Brand on Social Media

When people think about you, how do they describe you? If you have a company, what do people think about when your company comes to their mind? These questions revolve around the concept of our “brand” or what how our company or just we as people come across to others. Even though you may not have a company and have no plans to start one, you still have a brand, which is essentially your reputation. As an avid user of Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter, I cringe when I see people making comments or posts that diminish themselves and/or others. [...]

By |2013-01-25T23:02:27-07:00January 24th, 2013|2 Comments

Liking Pages on Facebook

What motivates you to like a page on Facebook? Having just encouraged folks I know to like my company’s page on Facebook, I am especially curious what prompts people to like a page. Are you friends with the person who created the page for his or her business? Are you a member of the nonprofit group who decided to set up a page on Facebook? Do you find yourself regular shopping at a store, so you like the page to get the latest updates? Or maybe you like your Starbucks on a regular basis and simply like to be part [...]

By |2013-01-22T22:28:46-07:00January 22nd, 2013|0 Comments

Social Media for Posting Events

When you have an event to promote, what’s one of the first places you post it? Probably most of you would answer Facebook. You might send out a tweet about it. You might announce it to members of a LinkedIn group. Heck, you might even spread the word via Pinterest. One of the handiest features of Facebook is the Event Feature – both for posting events you want others to attend and for reminders of events you want to attend. It is very easy to create an event on Facebook. After you have created it, click on “Invite Friends,” and [...]

By |2013-01-16T21:37:44-07:00January 16th, 2013|2 Comments

Social Media: Jump In or Wade In?

What’s your approach to engaging with a social media site that is new to you? Do you like to gradually wade into the waters of this site? Or do you prefer to simply jump in and figure you will learn how to swim in the unfamiliar waters? I am always fascinated by the approach taken by different folks when it comes to becoming familiar with a social media site. Some people prefer to take their time with a new social media site. They set up a profile, gradually add connections, and then sit back to see what happens. There are some pluses [...]

By |2013-01-10T22:27:07-07:00January 10th, 2013|4 Comments

5 Social Media Rules of the Road

In reflecting on my use of a variety of social media, I have come to the conclusion that there are some “rules of the road” that contribute to a positive experience on social media, no matter which platform you are using. Here are Joyce's Social Media Rules of the Road: Be yourself. Although the nature of your remarks might vary a bit among social media platforms, keep a consistent persona. Doing so will make people more apt to reach out to you and to trust you. Take the high road when posting. Keep in mind that at some level, everything [...]

By |2013-01-13T22:18:57-07:00January 8th, 2013|0 Comments

Blogging and Social Media Go Hand in Hand

Blogging and social media go hand in hand. True, you can have a very satisfying experience on social media without blogging. Yet, once you blog regularly, you as a business owner, someone passionate about a cause, or simply someone with a creative bent, can spread the word even more broadly via social media. I got started with blogging back in April of 2012 shortly after my website went live. By late July, I was blogging twice a week, and for the most part have been blogging that often since then. One of the many things I find beneficial about blogging [...]

By |2013-01-03T22:11:07-07:00January 3rd, 2013|0 Comments

Social Media Adventures in 2013

Happy New Year! There is something about starting a new year that reminds of starting a school year. Both are about beginnings. What social media adventures are you planning to take in 2013? If you have only participated in Facebook, maybe this is the year to try out Twitter. If you have been more professionally oriented and have only been active on LinkedIn, then consider checking out Pinterest. For the longest time (since 2008), the only social media platforms I participated in were Facebook and LinkedIn. Then in 2012 I decided to get active on Twitter, plus I got on [...]

By |2013-01-01T23:04:18-07:00January 1st, 2013|0 Comments

5 Reasons Why LinkedIn Works for Me

For me, LinkedIn is my “home base” when it comes to social media sites. Tonight I pay tribute to the social media site that offers me so much. I became active on LinkedIn exactly 4 years ago this month, the same month I got active on Facebook. What drew me to LinkedIn, and what still keeps me anchored there, is the opportunity to network professionally with people from all over the world. Here are 5 reasons why LinkedIn works for me: I have been able to learn from a variety of experts through the Groups feature, the Answers feature, and [...]

By |2012-12-27T20:02:18-07:00December 27th, 2012|0 Comments

5 Reasons Why Pinterest is Perfect For Me

Who introduced you to the social media platforms you use? Or you did just find them on your own and start using them? For most of the platforms I use, there is typically one person who nudged me onto that platform. It was Barbara Bailey, owner of Visibility Consultants and founder of Business Women For Women, who encouraged me to check out Pinterest. At first, I simply dabbled in Pinterest, popping into it now and then, creating a few boards, pinning a few items, but not really pursuing it strategically. By the time I took the Digital Marketing with Pinterest [...]

By |2012-12-18T21:39:30-07:00December 18th, 2012|0 Comments

Tweeting and Pinning: Pacing Yourself on Twitter and Pinterest

Just over 4 months ago, I decided to get active on Twitter. Even though I had created a Twitter account back in 2009, I didn’t see much point in getting active on Twitter until I had a website for my business. Plus I wanted to get my business blog established before joining the Twitter crowd. Even though I can more or less find my way around Twitter, I still just dip into the Twitter stream in little dibs and dabs. On a typical day, I will check into Twitter about 2-3 times a day and tweet about 6-8 times in total for [...]

By |2012-12-11T22:19:18-07:00December 11th, 2012|0 Comments
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