While I’m still in the beginning stages of promoting my videos on optimizing your LinkedIn profile photo, headline, summary, and experience sections, I do have some suggestions based on what I have learned so far. (See my post from last week “Video Marketing: Preparation Tips” on how to prepare to create a video if you are just getting started.)

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Getting Some Credibility from Google

  • If you haven’t been active on YouTube, now is the time to start. On a regular basis, search for YouTube channels in your niche and subscribe to them.
  • Now start commenting on the videos from those channels which already have a high number of views. This allows your comments to be seen by a lot of people.
  • Two examples of well done videos in my niche are ones by Mari Smith and by Wayne Breitbarth.
  • Mari Smith is an internationally recognized social media thought leader and Facebook marketing expert. This is a link to a video of Mari giving some helpful tips on content, engagement, and conversion: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAhpBfor51w
  • Wayne Breitbarth is the author of “The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success” and is a LinkedIn trainer. This is a link to a hour-long video that shows how to get the most out of LinkedIn: http://youtu.be/ZLoWZ386nqU. I find it interesting that, despite the length of this training video, it has nearly 4,000 views. To me, this shows that effective videos can be as long as they need to be for the subject as long as they are well done.

Promote Videos on Your Social Sites and Grow Your YouTube Channel

  • As soon as you have one video, start promoting it! On most social sites, such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and many others, you can simply copy and paste your video’s URL into your status update.
  • Facebook is a little different, preferring that you put a link directly from your video into your Facebook post (rather than use the YouTube link). When I posted the first video in my four-part series on optimizing your LinkedIn profile, I received the most views of any post I have ever put up on my Facebook business page.
  • Reach out to your business connections when you see them in person and ask them to watch your videos, and then if they find the information valuable, to subscribe to your YouTube channel. (It’s helpful to put the link on your business card to make this easy for people to do.)
  • In addition, write personalized emails to people in your database (current and past clients, referral partners, etc.) asking them to watch your video and tell you what they think. Again, ask if they would subscribe to your channel if they find the videos useful to them.

Check out my entire four-part series on optimizing your LinkedIn profile https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2s7fzNl0OaGg1jB4lmse1g. And if you like what you see there, feel free to subscribe to my YouTube channel.


How About You?

If you do video marketing, how do you promote your videos? How are you growing your company’s YouTube channel?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 50 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter. She works with business owners, nonprofit organizations, retired people, consultants, and many others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.