Do you utilize social media to appreciate volunteers in your organization? Volunteers are the heart and soul of countless organizations. They make a huge daily impact in faith communities, service clubs, charitable organizations, and more.

There are many ways to honor these dedicated individuals – from plaques to award dinners to simple notes of thanks.

Consider using social media as one of the ways in which you appreciate volunteers in your organization. Get permission before you reference them or share their photos on social media.


Appreciate Volunteers on LinkedIn

  • Write a LinkedIn recommendation for a volunteer in your organization. Commend them for how well they conducted themselves in their volunteer role. You need to be connected with them on LinkedIn to recommend them.
  • Mention them when you create a post on LinkedIn. The process for doing this is much like tagging someone on Facebook. Type the @ sign, and then type the person’s first and last name. Select the person in the list of drop-down options that LinkedIn shows you.
  • Maybe the person spearheaded your organization’s membership or fundraising drive. Reference their contributions and share specifics about the results they achieved.
  • Comment on some of the posts that the volunteer has shared about the organization you’re both part of. Not only will the volunteer appreciate your kind words, but it will help raise awareness about your organization.


Appreciate Volunteers on Facebook

  • Write a review on the Facebook page for the organization where the person volunteers. In your review, make a point of referencing the volunteer and their organizational involvement.
  • As with LinkedIn, consider writing a post about the volunteer in the organization. It will get more visibility if you publish the post on your personal Facebook page as opposed to on your business page. Be sure to tag the person in the same way as described above. To tag them on Facebook, you must be Facebook friends with them.
  • Comment on the volunteer’s posts on Facebook to honor them and the organization they serve.
  • Donate to the organization through Facebook when the volunteer creates that opportunity, which people sometimes do around their birthday.


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel, LinkedIn Training Expert

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 55 and up, to become more effective using social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and more – ranging from entrepreneurs to people in large corporations. Find her at