Using social media during the holiday season can be complicated for some people. This stretch of time from Thanksgiving through New Year’s can be a challenging period.

That’s why it may be better to limit the time you spend on social media during the holidays. In addition, you may choose to share social media posts that offer other perspectives on the holiday season.


Tips for Taking Breaks from Social Media

  • Remind yourself that it’s OK to miss the news that constantly flows through social media sites. If something is really important, you will hear about it.
  • Use other types of communication to stay in touch with family and friends. Your loved ones may really appreciate your phone calls and notes sent through the US mail.
  • Really focus on the people you are close to and do some special activities – either virtually or in person.
  • Think of what you used to do with your free time before social media came along. For example, curl up with that book you’ve been meaning to read, or watch one of your favorite movies.

Sharing Other Perspectives on the Holiday Season on Social Media

  • If the holidays are challenging for you because of a loss of a loved one, post some resources you’ve used to help with grieving.
  • Share about new traditions that you and your friends and family have developed, especially during COVID.
  • Describe a memorable holiday experience from your childhood that lifts your spirits when you reflect back on it.
  • Post about nonprofits that reach out to help needy families with holiday meals or gifts.


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those ages 55 and older, to become more comfortable using social media, particularly Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, job seekers, consultants, and many others. Find her at