Do you use Facebook, LinkedIn, and E-Newsletters to promote events?

What good is an event if no one comes? Whether you are the sponsor or an enthusiastic attendee, digital tools can help you promote it. And, they can help keep the energy going after the event.

Here are some suggestions for using Facebook, LinkedIn, and e-newsletters for event promotion.


Before the Event

  • Alert people several weeks before with a “save the date” post. Be sure to include a link to the event, especially if there is an “early bird” rate. Also, write a brief description of the benefits of attending the event.
  • Post several times on your personal and business Facebook pages. Space out your posts to avoid over-kill, which can lead to annoyance.
  • Be sure to tag the presenters and sponsors in every post. This will broadens the audience of who sees each one.
  • Use a similar approach on LinkedIn.
  • A couple of days before the event, post about your excitement and enthusiasm about the event.
  • If you publish an e-newsletter, include an article about the event. Reference the event in the subject line of your e-newsletter.


During the Event

  • Take notes during presentations to make your posts more interesting.
  • Sit as close to the front of the room as possible to improve your photos of and their presentations.
  • Take a selfie of you and a fellow attendee or speaker. If you’re not a good selfie-taker, ask someone else to take the photo.


After the Event

  • Share your first posts on Facebook and LinkedIn within 48-72 hours to extend the energy of the event. Again, spread the posts out over a few days.
  • Be sure to include several (but not too many) photos, making sure to name and tag everyone in them.
  • Write an article for your next newsletter, with captioned photos, about how well the event went.
  • If someone reading your posts asks you how they can learn about events similar future events, suggest they subscribe to your newsletter.
  • Repurpose the newsletter write up as an article on LinkedIn.


How About You?

What is your approach to using Facebook, LinkedIn, and your e-newsletter for promoting events? How do you use these tools after the event takes place?


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those ages 45 and older, to become more effective and productive using social media, especially Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and more – ranging from entrepreneurs to people in large corporations. Find her at