Are you a regular user of Twitter?

If so, how do you use it? Some people find it a great way to search for information, even better than using Google. Others like using it to follow their favorite celebrities, sports figures, and/or thought leaders in their profession.

Twitter can also be an easy way to share links to helpful articles or entertaining YouTube clips. It can also be a terrific tool for businesses to use to keep in touch with their customers, especially the unhappy ones.

I must admit that until recently I had kept an arm’s length relationship with Twitter. True, I have had an account on Twitter for some time, but I wasn’t drawn to it in the way I am drawn to LinkedIn, Facebook and more recently Pinterest.

However, I figured if I am serious about being a social media tutor, I better get some tutoring myself on  Twitter, since it along with Facebook and Pinterest are the most highly used of the all the social media sites.


Enter Melody Barnes Jones, owner of Social Media Management Services.  Appropriately, I met Melody via social media. I noticed via a Facebook posting by my friend Sharon Breay, an interior designer, that she was using Melody’s social media consulting services. I tracked Melody down via Facebook, emailed back and forth for a while, and then we met for lunch.

Right away, I knew I had found a gem. It was clear that she not only was very solid in her use of social media, especially Facebook and Twitter. She could also explain these sites in very understandable ways.

In a session of about 90 minutes, Melody systematically covered the basics of Twitter, enhancing my knowledge in some cases. In other cases, she opened my eyes to aspects of Twitter that were unfamiliar to me.

It’s been less than 24 hours since the session, and just from my slight bump in activity, I have had more new people following me in that time than I often have in a week!

Watch for more posts about Twitter, as I begin to get my arms around it and start to add Twitter time to my daily regime of Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

And thanks again, Melody, for all your help. To find out more about Melody’s social media management services, go to her Facebook page:


Joyce Feustel, Founder

Boomers’ Social Media Tutor