
Pointers for Perfect Profile Photos on Social Media

Recently I had a new professional photo taken, the first one in four years. Naturally, the experience got me thinking about profile photos on social media. Does your profile photo represent you well? Does it capture your personality and style? Is it appropriate for the social media sites where you use it? Use the Same Profile Photo Across Social Media Sites or Vary Your Photo by Site?  Some people prefer to vary their profile photos, depending on how they use a particular social media site. For example, if they use Pinterest primarily for personal reasons, they might have a more whimsical, [...]

By |2014-09-10T20:38:44-06:00September 10th, 2014|0 Comments

Dealing With Duplicate Social Media Accounts

Many people have duplicate accounts, especially on LinkedIn. Most of the time they aren’t even aware of their “dual identity,” because they have forgotten they ever created their original account, as it was a long time ago. So they make a new one, without even realizing that it’s not the only one. The problem with duplicate accounts is that people get confused about which one is the real you. A year ago I created a business account on Pinterest just to check out the features of business accounts. Sometime later I decided to convert my personal account into a business [...]

By |2014-08-19T08:10:23-06:00August 18th, 2014|2 Comments

Summarizing Yourself on Social Media

Can you describe yourself and/or your business in 160 characters or less? Summarizing ourselves in any format can be a big challenge, but the small amount of space allotted on social media makes it even more difficult. There are several places within different social media sites where you need to be concise, yet clear and specific, in describing yourself: LinkedIn - the headline (displays right after your name) Twitter - the bio Facebook (business pages) - the description page (displays in the left hand column of the page under the word “about”) Pinterest – the “about you” section One of [...]

By |2014-07-16T00:01:07-06:00July 15th, 2014|0 Comments

Blogging – A Critical Element of Digital Marketing

One of the biggest challenges for entrepreneurs is effectively marketing their business in the digital world. Barriers often include limited financial resources, limited time, and limited knowledge. One of the best no-cost (other than the value of your time) approaches to building a strong presence in cyberspace is to blog on a regular basis. It is recommended to have your blog be part of your website to increase your search engine optimization (SEO) results. Blogging at least twice a month is necessary if you want people remember that you exist, and blogging weekly or even more often is even better [...]

By |2014-06-02T23:17:13-06:00June 2nd, 2014|0 Comments

Help Centers for Pinterest and Facebook

In the process of preparing to teach my class on using Pinterest as a marketing tool, I found myself spending a lot of time in their Help Center, which has recently undergone a complete overhaul. There have also been some changes in Facebook’s Help Center. That made me think readers of this blog might like to know what can be found in these help centers. Very often I find myself directing people who come to me for help with a one of these sites to these pages, as they are full of more (and more detailed) helpful information than one [...]

By |2014-05-12T21:59:15-06:00May 12th, 2014|0 Comments

Three Life Lessons And Their Social Media Connections

Recently I had the pleasure of hearing Nancy Wollen, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Kaiser Permanente Colorado, speak at a Colorado Women’s Chamber of Commerce luncheon. The life lessons she shared really resonated with me, so I started thinking there must be a way to tie them to my work in social media – which has become so much a part of life for so many people.   1. Do Work That You Love Nancy has been in the field of health care all her life and truly walks her talk when it comes to this lesson. [...]

By |2014-05-05T23:19:23-06:00May 5th, 2014|2 Comments

Responding to Social Media Connection Requests

One of the most challenging aspects of being active on a social media site can be deciding whether or not to: Accept a friend request on Facebook Accept an invitation to connect on LinkedIn Follow someone who follows you on Twitter Follow someone who follows you on Pinterest Agree to connect with someone who has asked for a connection on another social media platform While some people simply automatically accept every invitation that comes their way, for most of us, there are many things to consider before we click accept or decide to follow someone who has followed us. For [...]

By |2014-06-14T22:39:15-06:00April 28th, 2014|0 Comments

Social Media Time Savers

While researching social media topics on Pinterest, I came across the results of an interesting study of 2,000 North American women and their use of social media. Here are some of the key findings of this study, which was conducted by the Pew Research Center in April 2013: Of those surveyed, 86% had at least one social media profile/account. The average user had 2.2 social media profiles/accounts. Respondents reported spending an average of 12 hours per week using social media. In my interaction with both current and potential social media tutoring clients, a common question is: “How do I make [...]

By |2014-04-15T22:29:27-06:00April 15th, 2014|0 Comments

Lend a Hand to Social Media Newbies

What was it like for you when you first ventured into social media sites? Did you feel a little insecure and awkward? Probably most people feel that way. I remember when I was the “new kid” on the social media block and someone on Twitter would follow me back. Or even favorite or retweet one of my tweets. Each time this happened, I was so touched.   Another memory I have is being new to various groups on LinkedIn and feeling a little nervous about making a comment and especially nervous about starting a discussion. I felt very vulnerable and [...]

By |2014-04-09T16:22:55-06:00April 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Use Social Media to Help Promote Your Book (Or Even a Chapter)

Have you written a book? Have you written a chapter in an anthology? Or do you write articles or blog posts (like this one)? Any time you write something – from a short blog post to a book – remember to use social media to help draw more readers to what you have written. Recently, I had a chapter published in the book Seek Your Peak to Find Your Spark, an anthology compiled by April M. Williams. The book has accounts from multiple authors about what they are passionate about and how they came to develop that passion. Here is [...]

By |2014-02-04T09:02:35-07:00February 4th, 2014|4 Comments
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