LinkedIn invites

Staying in Touch on LinkedIn Pays Off

I truly believe that staying in touch on LinkedIn pays off. Successful business owners make a point of staying touch with their customers and potential customers. For example, when I was a child, my family’s insurance agent would acknowledge my folks’ wedding anniversary every year. My husband’s friend from their softball-playing days sent us a Christmas card every year for over 20 years. He was a Realtor. So, when we needed someone to sell our home when we moved to Colorado, naturally we called him. Although the friendship had dimmed over the years, his Christmas cards paid off. And just [...]

By |2018-06-20T21:35:01-06:00June 20th, 2018|0 Comments

Social Media Connection Requests from Strangers

Social media connection requests from strangers - how do you handle them? We often devote a fair amount of time and energy to expanding our number of connection on social media. However,  have you thought about how to spot people you should avoid? I’m referring to the people you don’t know who reach out and want to connect. How do you decide whom to accept and whom to reject? A quick glance at their page can be enough. Maybe their LinkedIn profile is mysteriously sparse, or they have very few friends on Facebook. However, in some cases, you may have [...]

By |2018-04-16T19:29:12-06:00April 16th, 2018|0 Comments

Are Your LinkedIn Invites Appealing?

Are your LinkedIn invites appealing? If not, perhaps that's the reason that too many of them aren't getting accepted. Think about the invites you get from others. When people write a personal note, does that affect your decision about whether to connect with them? I know that I am more likely to connect with someone when they have written me a note with the invite. What especially appeals to me is when the invitation includes a specific reason we should connect. Here are some tips for creating invites that are likely to be accepted. See last week’s article for tips [...]

By |2017-10-12T21:08:50-06:00October 9th, 2017|0 Comments

Removing Facebook Friend Requests and LinkedIn Invites

Each of us has probably sent a social media invite on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn that we regretted sending. Ever wish you never sent that Facebook Friend request? Or have you ever sent a LinkedIn invitation you didn’t mean to send? When people first start using these sites, they often send out invites by mistake. Even experienced users have done this. Sadly, LinkedIn especially encourages its users to send out invites to large number of people and makes it easy to do so in error. Luckily there are ways to remove these inadvertently sent invites and requests. And for [...]

By |2016-11-07T22:25:24-07:00November 7th, 2016|0 Comments

Connection Invites on LinkedIn

When you send an invite to someone to connect on LinkedIn, do you personalize your invite? Many people don’t take the time to do this. They simply click on the “Connect” button and send the generic invite of “I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.”   This approach can work just fine when the person getting the invite knows you pretty well. However, when the person you are inviting doesn't know you that well or isn’t entirely sure who you are, there is a good chance they will ignore your invite. Here are some tips for sending connection [...]

By |2014-06-10T16:35:26-06:00June 10th, 2014|0 Comments
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