Would you like to streamline your LinkedIn experience?

To a person, every one of my clients says “YES” when I ask them that question. So many people are frustrated by all the emails, notifications, and invites they get on LinkedIn.

There are some easy ways to achieve the goal of having less information coming to you from LinkedIn.

Reduce the Number of Notifications You Get

  • My Network Section. Recently, LinkedIn introduced the “Catch Up” tab in this section. In this tab, LinkedIn alerts you about events such as birthdays, job changes, and work anniversaries. To stop getting these alerts, click on the three dots next to any of these alerts. Then click on the circle next to the type of alert.
  • Notifications Settings. To find these settings, click on the arrow below your picture in the menu bar. Then scroll down to “Settings & Privacy” and click on those words. Select “Notifications” from the list of settings on the left-hand side of the screen. You can adjust notification for searching for a job, connecting with others, posting and commenting, messages, and more. You will also see a a shortcut to the Notifications settings on the left-hand side of your screen when you click on the Notifications tab in your menu bar.
  • Ways to Get Notifications. For each notification category, there are between four and nine specific notifications settings. Go into each one and decide if you want to receive it via LinkedIn (in-app), text, or email. I generally suggest that you get these notifications only via the LinkedIn website if you get them at all.

Reduce the Number of Invites to Connect, Follow Pages, Attend Events, or Subscribe to a Newsletter

  • Limit Who Can Send You a Connection Invite – Scroll to “Settings & Privacy” and click on those words. Select “Data Privacy” from the list of settings on the left-hand side of the screen. In the “Who Can Reach You” section, click on “Invitations to Connect.” You can select “Everyone on LinkedIn” or a couple of other options.
  • Limit Who Can Send You Other Types of Invites – In the “Who Can Reach You Section” click on “Invitations From Your Network.” Then, decide if you want to get invites to follow a company page, attend a LinkedIn event, or subscribe to a LinkedIn newsletter.
  • Block People Who Send You Invites – If there are people who are inviting you to connect on LinkedIn and you don’t want them to find you, I suggest you block them. Go to their profile, click on the “More” button, click on “Report/Block,” then select “Block – their name.” Then click on the “Block” button.

Adjust Your News Feed

  • Adjust by person – click on the three dots at the top right of any post by this person. Click on “Unfollow – the name of the person.” You can also select “I don’t want to see this.”
  • Promoted posts – click on the three dots at the top right, and click on “hide or report this ad.”
  • Review the pages you follow and unfollow the ones whose posts don’t appeal to you.

About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 55 and up, become more effective users of social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and others. Find her at www.boomerssocialmediatutor.com.