With the Republican National Convention wrapping up tonight and the Democratic National Convention around the corner, it seems that everywhere we turn, we are inundated with people espousing their political point of view.

As someone who has participated in the world of politics, both as someone who has held local elected office and as an observer of the political world, I do my best to respect all points of view.

Sometimes that can be hard to do, especially when you feel passionately about an issue. I know I struggle to know how to frame my thoughts, whether in a conversation at work or through my postings on Facebook.

I do my best to make my point and give my rationale for it, knowing there are always going to be people who will take issue with my point of view.

Where I am going with all this is that I truly hope that during the thick and fray of this campaign season that we can remember to take a step back and see the bigger picture.

People are so much more than their politics, personalities, and points of view.

To me, each of us is a child of God, deserving of love and respect.

So, when I find myself getting all agitated over someone else’s vehemently expressing a view point diametrically opposed to mine, I just need to remind myself that our similarities far outweigh our differences.

And when the dust settles after the election in November, I will continue to call people friends, despite the differences that may become more evident in the next few months.

End of sermon.


Joyce Feustel, Founder

Boomers’ Social Media Tutor
