Do you give presentations on social media? I have given them from time to time, yet sometimes struggle with how to approach the presentation.

So often there is such a wide range of knowledge, background and experience in the audience, that it can be tough to teach to a common denominator.

I want the “newbies” to at least get something out of their time with me. And I want the more experienced folks to benefit as well.

How do you approach these kinds of situations?

In keeping with the importance of “know your audience,” I always do as much research as I can about those to whom I will be speaking.

Tonight I did just that with Lisa Cole, who is the Women Resources Coordinator for the Colorado Grange. Find out more about them at:

Lisa invited me to give a workshop on social media this coming Saturday to the Women Resources group. This group meets monthly for a wide variety of workshops that appeal to women who are business owners as well as hobbyists and retired women.

Now that I have found out more about the people who are likely to show up at the workshop, I am better prepared to give a presentation that will meet their needs.

Also, I plan to spend at least half my time with them doing some real time exploring of such social media sites as Facebook and Pinterest.

Many of these women haven’t gotten very involved in social media thus far. So, my plan is not to push them into such involvement. Rather it is to introduce them to the basic concepts of social media and how it can benefit their lives.

To find out how the session went, watch for my blog next Tuesday night!



Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium. Find her at