How often do you post on your Facebook business page? What about on Twitter or LinkedIn?


Social media marketing trainer Lisa Ann Landry recommends the following frequency of posting:

  • Facebook page – 1-3 times per day
  • Google+ status update – 1-3 times per day
  • LinkedIn status update – once per day
  • Twitter – 10 tweets/retweets per day
  • YouTube – once a day with a with a 1 ½ to 3 minute video
  • Blogging – 1-3 times per week, with about 250-350 words in each blog post

Feeling a bit tired just thinking of all that posting?

Lisa Ann points out that since people dip in and out of their newsfeeds on their social media sites, you need to post relatively frequently to catch their attention.

Also, she stresses that since social media sites vary in what is a common amount of posting, you need to adjust your posting frequency based on the site.

You also need to adapt the language you use in the post to the site.

For example, the culture of Twitter is similar to a chamber of commerce cocktail party, according to Lisa Ann. That means the event is some business and a lot of fun.

Therefore, the language of Twitter is more casual than that of LinkedIn, which she likened to a business meeting in a board room.

The culture of Facebook, even in the business pages, resembles a family reunion picnic. Again, think about the language and activities that are appropriate there and adjust your posts accordingly.


Do you area with Lisa Ann’s recommendation about the frequency of postings?

What about her depiction of Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook? Agree or disagree?

For me, I tend to agree with both her recommendations and her take on these sites, yet I am always interested in what my readers have to say.

Find out more about Lisa Ann Landry, social media marketing trainer extraordinaire, on LinkedIn at

Follow her on Twitter @lisaalandry

Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium.  Find her at