Do you regularly monitor your Facebook Business Page?

Many of us post to our Facebook Business Page periodically. However, do you also monitor what’s happening on your page?

I encourage you to monitor the comments on your posts and the reviews of your company.


Comments on Your Facebook Business Page

  • Check your notifications a few times a week. Look for comments on your posts.
  • Respond promptly. As a business owner, it is crucial to monitor these comments. You can also delegate this task to a trusted associate. Reply to the comment with a note of appreciation. Doing so honors the person who has taken the time and thought to write a comment on your page and encourages them to return.
  • Address negative comments directly. If it’s a legitimate gripe, I would allow the comment to appear and reply to the commenter that you will reach out directly to resolve the issue.
  • Remove a comment if needed. If the comment is irrelevant to the post or has unacceptable content, click on the three dots to the right of the comment. You can hide, delete, or report a comment.
  • Banning a person or page from your business page. To keep a user or other Facebook business page from commenting on your posts, you can block them from your page. To do that, click on your business page name at the top right of your page. Then click on “Privacy and settings,” click on “Settings,” and in the “Audience and Visibility” section, click on “Blocking.” Click on the “Edit” button next to either “Block users” or “Block pages,” and follow the prompts.


Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

  • Be sure the review function is enabled. Most likely it is, but double-check.  Click on “Settings” on the left-hand side of your business page. In the “Audience and Visibility” section, click on “Page and tagging.”  Under the top section “Viewing and Sharing,” you will see “Allow others to view and leave reviews.” If you see a white circle with a gray area to the right, click on the white circle, which now will have a blue area to the left. You have enabled your review function.
  • Respond to the review. Just as with visitor comments, be sure to respond promptly. Thank the reviewer. If the review is full of errors, contact the reviewer offline to let them know so they can edit their review.
  • Check for reviews that have nothing to do with you or your business.  A few years ago, I noticed that bad actors use the review section of business pages to promote their or someone else’s services. If you see one of these “reviews” on your business page, block the person who wrote the review. Refresh your page, and the review should no longer be there. If you still see it, click on the three dots at the top right of the review and select “report post.” The person isn’t notified that you reported it, and it will be removed.


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 55 and up, become more effective users of social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and others. Find her at