On Saturday I will be giving a presentation on Facebook Groups and Pages to club leaders from Toastmasters clubs in the Denver metro area.

Besides demonstrating how to create and manage these entities, I will distribute a handout for people to take home. That’s what I have been working on tonight.

As the saying goes – you learn what you teach.

The folks at Facebook have provided easy to understand information on the process of creating and managing groups and pages at their Facebook Help Center at https://www.facebook.com/help/?page=260315770650470&ref=hcnav


Even though I have already created a Facebook page for my Boomers’ Social Media Tutor business and a Facebook page for one of my Toastmasters clubs, the refresher was still very helpful.  I also like to visit pages created by other businesses or other Toastmasters clubs to give me ideas.

What was especially fascinating for me tonight was learning how to create a group on Facebook, as I had not done that before. Actually, it is much simpler to create a group than to create a page, which I found to be interesting.

What was curious to me is that the group’s page is set up like the profiles were prior to the introduction of Timeline, so it took me a minute to just get used to that visual. The pages have the timeline format, which I have become so much more accustomed to.

Now here is a fun part of the evening. I am tooling along, typing up my handout, when I see that a Toastmaster friend has emailed me, requesting to be in the xyz group, the fake group that I had created. I hadn’t deleted the group yet, and he noticed in my activity in the right hand scrolling bar that I had created the group.

How handy! Since he had done that, I could incorporate a section in my handout about how to respond to requests to join the group. Sure I could have looked that up in the tutorial, but it is getting late, and I forgot to think of that.

Of course, I emailed him back and teased him about being such a Facebook “groupie” that he would ask to join a group that was literally called the xyz group. Then he made my day by saying any group I was in was a group worth joining. So that was my entertainment for the evening.

I will be writing a post soon that contrasts Facebook groups and pages. So, I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you participate in many groups on Facebook? Do you like a number of pages and track with the activities of the pages?

It seems to me that there is something for everyone on Facebook.

Joyce Feustel, Founder

Boomers’ Social Media Tutor
