Do you honor others on LinkedIn and Facebook?

Doing so is a wonderful way to nurture your relationships and spread the word about them.

There are many ways in which you can acknowledge the contributions of others via LinkedIn and Facebook. The reason I chose the photo of Marty Dickinson and me for this blog post is because he did such a wonderful job promoting my LinkedIn training at the Professional Presenter Toastmasters club last year.

Share Posts About People You Want to Honor

  • Tag those you want to honor in a post about an event where they spoke or did a training. Briefly share the nature of their talk or training. To tag them, type the @ sign and the person’s first and last name. Select the person in the list of drop-down options.
  • Also, honor people who attended a event you hosted by tagging them and thanking them in the post for coming.
  • Be sure to include a photo of them if possible.
  • Share news about an organization where they have a leadership role and write about their involvement in the group.

Engage with the Posts of Others

  • React to and comment on the posts and articles others share on LinkedIn and on their Facebook posts.
  • Don’t just click on “Like.” Select the icon that best fits your reaction to the post. For many LinkedIn posts, I use the lightbulb icon, which indicates the post was insightful.
  • In your comment, share some aspect of the post that resonated with you. Or, suggest a tip or other insight related to the post’s topic.
  • Tag the person in your comment, as that way, more of their followers and connections will see your comment. If you think someone else would appreciate seeing this post, tag that person in your comment.
  • Share their LinkedIn or Facebook posts about events they have coming up. Or do the same when they discuss topics relevant to the people who follow you. Always include a sentence or two about why you shared their post.

Write a LinkedIn Recommendation or Facebook Review

  • Along with writing a Google Review, these social media recommendations and reviews are an excellent way to honor others.
  • To write someone a LinkedIn recommendation, you need to be connected on LinkedIn. Go to their LinkedIn profile, click on More, and then click on “Recommend.” Complete the template, including the specific ways you appreciate their services or products. Then click on Send. Let the person know by email or text that you wrote the recommendation. The other person must approve the recommendation before it is posted to their profile.
  • To write a review on a person’s Facebook business page, you don’t need to be their Facebook friend. Nor do you even need to follow their page. Click on the page’s Review tab and write a glowing review of their business. Unlike a LinkedIn recommendation, these reviews do not need the approval of the owner of the business page.

About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 55 and up, become more effective users of social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and others. Find her at