How do you decide whom to follow on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc?

Follow_me[1]For me, I like to follow folks who:

  • Are genuine and authentic
  • Share timely, useful and/or entertaining information and visuals
  • Are respectful of others
  • Help me consider different ways of looking at things
  • Lead me to others who share these same attributes


Here are just a few gems I have found lately via the folks I follow on social media:


From Deb Krier, the SociaLight, I found this article on upcoming changes in Facebook:

Follow her Facebook page at!/DebKrierTheSociaLight, and you too will get breaking news about changes in social media.

On Twitter, my favorite person to follow is Jeff Bullas. Follow him at @jeffbullas. And read his blog at He covers all aspects of social media as well as blogging and is a font of helpful information.

Here is a recent blog post of his that I found on Twitter:

LinkedIn has many folks who provide me with timely and useful information. One that comes to mind tonight is Wayne Breitbarth, author of the book “The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success.”

Find Wayne at

Here is a great link to his observations and tips on the current format of a profile on LinkedIn:

If you spend time on Pinterest and are looking for boards that relate to social media, you can’t beat Mashable’s material at

I especially like their board on Infographics:

Please share the people and entities that you find especially appealing on social media.

I would love to know who are some of your favorite folks to follow.



Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium.  Find her at