How do you like to get feedback on your LinkedIn profile?

Do you prefer to get feedback in a private setting between you and the person giving the feedback? Or would you prefer getting feedback in front of a small group of people who are also getting such feedback? Maybe both approaches appeal to you. Or perhaps you want to start by having an overview class on LinkedIn to learn more about profiles in general.

Starting June 14, I’m launching a monthly LinkedIn small group coaching workshop. The “Enhance Your LinkedIn Profile Workshop” will be every second Friday from 9 – 10:30 a.m. Mountain Time. It will be limited to five participants to ensure that each person gets plenty of attention.

Here are the links to sign up for the June 14 workshop, the July 12 workshop, and the August 9 workshop.


Benefits of Attending This Group Workshop

  • Enhanced visibility: Optimize your LinkedIn profile for increased visibility to clients, power partners, and contacts.
  • Improved networking: A polished LinkedIn profile attracts relevant connections and expands your professional network.
  • Personal branding: Craft a compelling profile to establish and strengthen your brand and showcase your expertise.
  • Professional credibility: A well-maintained LinkedIn profile adds credibility to your professional image. It provides evidence of your achievements, skills, and endorsements, building trust with potential employers, clients, and collaborators.


Benefits of Learning in Groups or Classes

  • In addition to learning from the speaker or instructor, you can learn from your group/class members.
  • Questions other members raise could provide information on topics you would like to know more about, too. Your questions will address topics of interest to them.
  • Learning with others in classes where you don’t know each other in advance can provide networking opportunities. Conversely, learning with others in a group where you know the members can help deepen your connection with them.


Benefits of Private Tutoring

  • Sessions are customized to meet your needs and geared to your level of understanding of the topic.
  • You get all the individual attention you could require.
  • You determine when and where you want to have the session.
  • Your tutor may be available on an informal basis to answer questions that occur to you after the session. This is less likely to occur when you take a class or participate a team training session.


About Joyce

Joyce Feustel helps people, especially those age 55 and up, become more effective users of social media, especially LinkedIn and Facebook. She works with business owners, business development professionals, business consultants, job seekers, and others. Find her at