Do you have the new format for your Facebook personal profile?

I just got mine a couple days ago, and for the most part, I like it.

Here is what it looks like:!/joyce.feustel


What I especially like is the larger size of the photos and having just one column for my postings. The overall look feels cleaner and simpler to me.

What I find intriguing is that all the items that were at the top of my personal profile before are on the left hand side of the profile and are more prominent.

These items include:

  • Basic information in my About section
  • A link to the people who follow my profile
  • My friends
  • My photos
  • Places I have been lately
  • My favorite music, movies, books and television programs
  • Everything I have liked – including Facebook business pages I like, plus the interests and activities that I have liked on Facebook
  • My Pinterest activity (since I have my Facebook and Pinterest accounts linked)
  • My recent activity

You may be wondering why I am being this detailed about the new format.

Here’s why:

Since these likes, interests, activities, photos, etc. are so much more prominent, this would be a good time to reassess each of them.


I suggest that you do the following:

  • Make sure that your About information is up to date. For example, I recently retired from my full-time job. I reflected that change in my About section.
  • Go through your photos and remove the ones that no longer represent you.
  • Examine your Facebook friends. There are likely to be some you really don’t feel that connected to anymore. Unfriend those people.
  • Review your likes and see if you don’t care of that company any more. Unlike that page. Maybe you dropped a particular interest or hobby. Unlike that interest or hobby.
  • If you don’t want to places you have been to show up, go to your settings and make sure that isn’t showing up in your profile.
  • Also, if you don’t care to list television programs for example, you can eliminate that section.

What is your take on these profile changes?

How you found yourself making some updates in your profile as a result of these changes?


Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium.  Find her at