What is the purpose of a Facebook page for a Toastmasters club, service club or other group?

  1. Bring in new members.
  2. Build camaraderie within the club.
  3. Promote the club to the larger world.
  4. All the above.

In my opinion, it can be all of the above, but each situation is different.

During a discussion I recently led on how Toastmasters clubs can benefit from a Facebook group or page, the question was raised – does having a Facebook page bring in new members for that particular club? The answer was – not necessarily.

Yet when Toastmasters (or members of any other organization) “like” a Facebook page and participate on it, that organization gets more exposure on Facebook. Friends of the Toastmaster may not join his or her club, but they might join Toastmasters.

My husband’s cousin John saw me posting about my various Toastmasters adventures on Facebook, and that got him curious about the organization. He eventually joined a Toastmasters club near his home and has made tremendous progress toward improving his speaking and leadership skills.

I have noticed that groups with an active Facebook page have yet another venue to convey their support for and enjoyment of each other. Just like we can appreciate having a feeling of family through our church or other religious community, the same can happen in Toastmasters clubs, service clubs and other groups.

Being friends on Facebook and then having the shared platform of a Facebook page, helps to sustain via cyberspace the bonds that are developed in person. That way, when the members meet up at the next club meeting, they are more current with each other. They are more apt to know about the members’ joys as well as their concerns.


Once the members of my Excelsior Advanced Toastmasters clubs started to get the point of having a Facebook page and participating on it, they took action. So far, over half of our members having liked the page. As the word about the page spread, Toastmasters from other clubs also clicked on the like button.

Within just over 24 hours, over 30 people had liked the page, now making it possible for the page administrators to receive valuable update from Facebook about the page and its reach.

Does your Toastmasters club, service club or other community have a Facebook page or group?

If not, this could be just the time to start one!


Joyce Feustel, Founder

Boomers’ Social Media Tutor
