Do you endorse the skills and expertise of others on the professional social media site LinkedIn?

Are other people endorsing your skills and areas of expertise?

Some people argue that these endorsements are meaningless. They point out that it’s easy to make an endorsement compared to taking the time to write someone a recommendation.

I beg to differ.

True, there is a huge value of getting recommendations from people. These recommendations speak specifically to the particular way in which you engaged with that person. Plus I like to write recommendations for those I think deserve a public shout out.

With endorsements, those who know you have the chance to validate the skills that you say you have.


When you think about it, anyone could put any skill they want into their LinkedIn profile. Unless someone was mean-spirited and questioned your having that skill, you could go about proclaiming you were good it.

Now with endorsements, there is a process where people can acknowledge that you DO have a particular skill. In fact, what I find fascinating is what skills are most endorsed and which ones are least endorsed.

It doesn’t surprise me that public speaking is my highest endorsed skill. I recently read that public speaking is one of the top ten most endorsed skills on LinkedIn. Plus with my Toastmasters background, it makes sense that I would get endorsements for this skill.

The next two most endorsed skills – social networking and social media – relate directly to my business as a social media tutor. It would be awkward if the skills I use in my business didn’t show up pretty high on this list.

The rest of my top ten most endorsed skills come in part from my business and in part from my experiences in Toastmasters and in other volunteer organizations. Those are training, blogging, social media marketing, coaching, entrepreneurship, editing and leadership.

What are your most endorsed skills? Are these the ones you WANT listed in your top ten?

What I did when the endorsement feature first came out was to reach out to those who had already recommended me. I asked them to endorse me for skills related to my business, such as social networking and social media. Plus I endorsed them for the skills I knew them to be good at.

Don’t overlook the power of others providing validation for the skills you demonstrate.

How have you used the endorsement feature of LinkedIn? How has it been of value to you and to others you know?


Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium.  Find her at