
Community is a Major Part of What Makes Us Human

Although my blog posts typically focus on some aspect of social media, a recent “real-world” experience that allowed me to sense a true spirit of community has inspired me to devote this week’s blog to the importance of community. Last week I had the privilege of talking about public speaking to the High Plains 4-H Club. While I sincerely hope that the approximately 20 kids and their parents who attended benefited from the comments I made, what I received was of equal value – a renewed appreciation of the importance of being part of a community. When I Googled “definition [...]

By |2015-05-19T18:55:43-06:00May 19th, 2015|0 Comments

Social Media Users – Search Yourself on the Internet

When was the last time you did an Internet search of your own name? The more social media sites you use, the more likely it is that a link to your presence on that site will appear when people search your name. Now, some people (like me) are happy that people find them and their social sites on the Internet. That's because they like the additional marketing opportunity. But others prefer that their social media activity not be readily available to strangers. Search Results for Joyce Feustel: Someone Who Wants to be Found When I type Joyce Feustel into a Google search [...]

By |2014-01-08T08:30:21-07:00January 8th, 2014|0 Comments

Advocacy and Social Media

Recently I facilitated a brainstorming session for an advocacy group that was sorting out their social media strategies and options – and I am still thinking about the special considerations and challenges groups like this face regarding their use of social media. Often there is a disparate range of social media experience among the members, so it can be difficult to find appropriate language with which to adequately discuss the matters they need to address. Also, leadership in advocacy groups can be somewhat fluid, with members coming and going, not always in predictable ways. As a result of spending time [...]

By |2013-12-17T10:58:36-07:00December 17th, 2013|0 Comments

Trading Constructive Criticism – Definitely Worth the Time

When was the last time you asked a colleague to critique one or more of your social media sites? I advise you to periodically have someone with a decent understanding of how social media works in business spend some time with your LinkedIn profile, your Facebook business page, or your Twitter bio and offer you honest constructive criticism. You might be surprised what they pick up on. I am not necessarily suggesting that you pay this person – trade your time for theirs, by which I mean that you will do the same for one or more of their sites. [...]

By |2013-12-03T09:08:17-07:00December 3rd, 2013|0 Comments

Your Brand and How Social Media Can Help Showcase It

When people think of you, how do they describe you? If you own a business, what do your clients and customers have to say about it? How does your presence on social media reflect your brand? Definition of Branding According to the American Marketing Association Dictionary: A brand is the "name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller's product distinct from those of other sellers.” Often we think of logos when we think of a brand, such as this logo of the University of Wisconsin- Madison where I went to college. But a brand goes far beyond [...]

By |2013-07-26T10:21:01-06:00July 26th, 2013|2 Comments

Friend Requests on Facebook

What’s your approach when someone friends you on Facebook? How do you handle a Friend request from someone you kind of recognize, but you can’t quite place how you know them? Since this has happened to me more than once, I figure it probably happens to just about everyone who uses Facebook. So, to see what other folks do, I posted the following question on my Boomers’ Social Media Tutor Facebook page. How Do You Handle a Friend Request on Facebook From Someone You Don't Quite Recognize? I provided the following options for people to select from. Do you: Accept their [...]

By |2013-05-23T17:13:56-06:00May 23rd, 2013|0 Comments

“Dumb” Questions About Social Media

When you have a “dumb” question about social media, who do you ask? Anyone who ever has been a first time parent can probably relate to how totally ignorant you can feel about basic baby care matters. You have what I call the “dumb” questions that you are embarrassed to ask people. So what to do? The person I turned to with my “dumb” questions about baby care was my sister-in-law Barbara. Though she was six years my junior, she had a baby 7 months prior to me giving birth to my baby. In my eyes, she was an expert [...]

By |2013-04-16T22:31:03-06:00April 16th, 2013|2 Comments

Posting on Social Media Sites – Frequency and Language

How often do you post on your Facebook business page? What about on Twitter or LinkedIn? Social media marketing trainer Lisa Ann Landry recommends the following frequency of posting: Facebook page – 1-3 times per day Google+ status update – 1-3 times per day LinkedIn status update – once per day Twitter – 10 tweets/retweets per day YouTube – once a day with a with a 1 ½ to 3 minute video Blogging – 1-3 times per week, with about 250-350 words in each blog post Feeling a bit tired just thinking of all that posting? Lisa Ann points out [...]

By |2013-03-14T21:06:19-06:00March 14th, 2013|1 Comment

Ready to Rock and Roll with Social Media Marketing

Ever take a social media class and walk away totally inspired to take your social media marketing activity to the next level? That is what happened to me today at the Social Media Marketing 101 class taught by Lisa Ann Landry and sponsored by Career Track. Rarely do I arrive anywhere early, which my husband will verify, yet today I was so excited about this class that I arrived nearly an hour before it started. Lisa Ann Landry did not let me down. She totally delivered on what the promotional literature promised me would happen in this seminar. In just [...]

By |2013-03-11T22:30:44-06:00March 11th, 2013|2 Comments

9 Tips for Effectively Leveraging LinkedIn

Are you on LinkedIn? Formed in 2003, LinkedIn is a social media site that seeks to help the world’s professionals be more successful. People use LinkedIn to help promote their brand, increase their company’s profitability, to expand their network, to land a job, and simply to engage with other professionals worldwide. Although not as well known as Facebook or Twitter, LinkedIn recently surpassed the 200 million mark. Some users complain that it has become too busy and complicated. Personally, I like the changes made by LinkedIn over the last six months. To effectively leverage LinkedIn, you need to have a [...]

By |2013-02-23T23:36:49-07:00February 23rd, 2013|0 Comments
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