
5 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile to Land Your Next Job

Would you like to learn about 5 ways to improve your LinkedIn profile to land your next job? Employers regularly turn to LinkedIn to learn more about potential employees. Recruiters also rely on LinkedIn to find qualified job seekers to fill the positions available at the companies they serve. Along with providing tutoring and training for business owners on how to use LinkedIn effectively, I also do the same for job seekers. I've found that when job seekers update their profile sections in the ways I list below, they are more likely to land the job they want. In the [...]

By |2022-07-13T21:41:00-06:00July 13th, 2022|0 Comments

Five Ways to Engage with Your LinkedIn Connections

Enhance your LinkedIn experience by using these five ways to engage with your LinkedIn Connections. Too often we connect with people on LinkedIn and then simply ignore them. When you engage with your LinkedIn connections in a sincere, natural way, you are staying top of mind with them. They will appreciate you paying attention to their posts and business milestones, such as new jobs or work anniversaries.   Five Ways to Engage with Your LinkedIn Connections Congratulate them for their achievements Take time at least once a week to review your notifications section. When you see that a LinkedIn connection [...]

By |2022-04-07T21:40:41-06:00April 7th, 2022|2 Comments

Catch People’s Attention with Your LinkedIn Profile Headline

Do you catch people’s attention with your LinkedIn profile headline? As you craft your profile headline, brainstorm ways to catch people’s attention. Use words and phrases that will intrigue people and cause them to want to know more about you.   My Profile Headline I’ve changed my profile headline many times over the years that I’ve been on LinkedIn. Currently, my headline is “LinkedIn Trainer | LinkedIn Presenter | Baby Boomer Specialist | Business Owners | Job Seekers | Making Social Media Simple, Easy & Fun.” The two parts of this headline that are most attention-getting are “Baby Boomer Specialist” [...]

By |2022-03-24T20:14:13-06:00March 24th, 2022|0 Comments

Using LinkedIn to Grow Your Volunteer Membership Organization

Have you thought about using LinkedIn to grow your volunteer membership organization? Recently, I was honored to share a presentation on this topic for members of the Volunteer Voyageurs Passport Rotary Club. Members of this club live in southern Alabama and attend meetings virtually through Zoom. They really appreciated getting these tips and were excited to start applying them. Rotary created passport clubs for people who want to be part of Rotary, yet are unable to attend in-person meetings. In case you’re not familiar with Rotary, here’s a description of it from Wikipedia: “Rotary International is an international service organization which brings together [...]

By |2022-02-24T21:14:12-07:00February 24th, 2022|0 Comments

Changes to Your LinkedIn Profile

Have you noticed the changes to your LinkedIn profile? These changes aren’t dramatic, so you might not have noticed them. Since Linkedin doesn’t roll out these changes to everyone at the same time, your profile might not show them yet. The changes have two parts to them. One part involves the process for adding a section to your profile. The other part involves the overall format of your profile.   Adding a Section to Your Profile To add a section to your profile, click on the “Add profile section” button. This button is toward the top of your profile and [...]

By |2022-02-10T07:54:49-07:00February 10th, 2022|0 Comments

LinkedIn is a Heartfelt Variation of a Resume

When I compare the format of LinkedIn and that of resumes, I believe that LinkedIn is a heartfelt variation of a resume. There are certainly some similarities between your LinkedIn profile and your resume. In your LinkedIn profile headline, you may use similar terms to the ones you use in your resume’s executive summary. Your profile’s Experience section, to a large extent, mirrors your resume’s references to jobs you have held. The Education section of your profile reflects the same educational institutions you list in your resume. Yet, a resume is a static document, while a Linked profile gives multiple [...]

By |2022-02-02T20:32:12-07:00February 2nd, 2022|2 Comments

How LinkedIn Can Help College Students Land Internships

Have you ever thought about how LinkedIn can help college students land internships? When a college student’s LinkedIn profile aligns more closely with the position description for the kind of internship they are seeking, they are more apt to land that internship. Too often college students have a very limited amount of information in their LinkedIn profile. When they add more information about their background and aspirations, they paint a more robust picture of themselves. In November 2020, a college student from Spain reached out to me after finding me online. She wanted to know if I could help her [...]

By |2022-01-19T21:31:36-07:00January 19th, 2022|0 Comments

Tell Your Compelling Story in Your LinkedIn About Section

Do you tell your compelling story in your LinkedIn About section? Be sure to use this section to its full advantage by sharing your story in a meaningful way. What is the Purpose of an About Section? Business owners, this section should be a narrative about you in the context of your current business and past career. Job seekers, it should be a narrative about you in the context of the job you seek to land. In her excellent book, “LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide,” Linked consultant Sandra Long advises: “Try to weave together your story in an [...]

By |2022-01-05T21:39:46-07:00January 5th, 2022|0 Comments

Words of Appreciation Can Be a Wonderful Gift

Words of appreciation can be a wonderful gift – especially when you are honoring volunteers. For example, Paul Kluck recently wrote me a heartfelt recommendation on LinkedIn. In 2021, he was the president of the board of the Strategic Trusted Advisors Roundtable (STAR) – Denver, and I served on the board with him. STAR is a connecting group for advisors, each of whom has at least seven years of experience in their field. Members of our board are shown in the photo above this post. Back row, left to right: Doug Hartley and Paul Kluck. Front row, left to right: [...]

By |2021-12-16T08:15:59-07:00December 15th, 2021|0 Comments
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