
How to Schmooze, Share, and Search on LinkedIn: An Audience Responds

Recently I presented  on the topic: How to Schmooze, Share, and Search on LinkedIn to a local business education and networking group called Boost Biz Ed: Positive, Actionable Business Education. I shared some practical tips for using this powerful social media site such as: How to build your professional credibility through the articles and updates you post Best practices for staying in touch with your connections, including sharing their activity on LinkedIn Effective use of LinkedIn’s search options to search for people, companies, and groups One of the best features of this group is that after the speaker finishes, the [...]

By |2017-07-24T23:26:40-06:00July 24th, 2017|0 Comments

Use LinkedIn Conversation Windows to Send Messages

Have you been using conversation windows to send messages on LinkedIn? They look like the chat boxes you see on Facebook. I just noticed this feature in the last week or so. At first, I had my typical response to a new development on LinkedIn – oh dear, now I need to figure out something new again. Then, I reminded myself that people who turn to me for guidance appreciate that I am up to date on this platform. Having a done a bit of research into this new feature, here is what I learned.   How it Works Likely, [...]

By |2017-07-17T22:35:38-06:00July 17th, 2017|0 Comments

Options for Posting on LinkedIn

There are several options for posting on LinkedIn: updates (sometimes called posts), articles, and images. You share all these from your homepage. Lately I’ve noticed that I get a bigger reach with the updates I post than with the articles I’ve published. My suggestion is to mix it up posting both updates and articles, as they serve different purposes. Articles and updates appear in your feed and in the Articles and Activities section of your profile. Updates are typically visible for about 14 days. One of the benefits of posting articles is that they remain visible on your profile indefinitely, [...]

By |2017-05-31T15:55:32-06:00May 30th, 2017|0 Comments

What’s the Point of Sharing and Schmoozing on LinkedIn?

Many people have asked me - what's the point of sharing and schmoozing on LinkedIn? This question led me to create my first webinar: “Sharing and Schmoozing on LinkedIn.” It’s available, free, at Check it out, and while you’re there, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. This post covers some reasons people don’t share and schmooze on LinkedIn and the value of doing it. In case you haven’t heard of the word “schmooze,” it is Yiddish and comes from the root (also Yiddish) “schmuesn” which means “to chat.” Jewish immigrants brought this word to the US where it has [...]

By |2017-05-10T23:23:26-06:00May 10th, 2017|0 Comments

Reasons Why Millennials Like Using LinkedIn

Although most of my clients are 50 and older, I have a special place in my heart for millennials. Many of my closest business advisers and associates are millennials. Last month, I was researching the topic of millennials and LinkedIn for a talk at my Toastmasters club. According to the articles I found, LinkedIn often doesn’t appeal to millennials because: They consider it boring compared to the sites they typically frequent. It can feel too structured to them, and they can become overwhelmed with all the sections to complete in their profile. They don’t see very many other millennials to [...]

By |2017-05-03T13:51:38-06:00May 1st, 2017|0 Comments

Use LinkedIn’s Volunteer Experience Section to Showcase Your Community Involvement

Have  you thought to use LinkedIn’s Volunteer Experience Section to showcase your community involvement? Earlier this year, LinkedIn made major changes in the format of LinkedIn profiles. One was to consolidate many sections under the Accomplishments, which is located toward the bottom of your profile. It can include certifications, courses completed, organization memberships, projects, honors and awards, languages spoken, test scores, publications, patents, and more. While it still makes sense to populate the sections under Accomplishments, it is also important to complete the Volunteer Experience section.     Which Organizations Should You Include in Your Volunteer Experience Section? When you [...]

By |2017-04-24T21:30:49-06:00April 24th, 2017|0 Comments

Create a Great First Impression on LinkedIn

Does your LinkedIn profile create a good first impression? In 2013, Anna Pitts published an article titled You Only Have 7 Seconds to Make a Good First Impression in “Business Outsider Australia." Some of the key things she listed include: Smile Shake hands Introduce yourself Speak clearly Maintain eye contact Read the original article at Now let’s translate these concepts into the LinkedIn environment. In 2013, Karen Emanuelson provided six helpful tips in her article Creating a First Impression on LinkedIn in the online publication “Reciprocate.” Here are some of her tips, with a few additional suggestions from me. [...]

By |2017-03-27T23:05:50-06:00March 27th, 2017|0 Comments

Tips for Adjusting to LinkedIn’s Changes

Many people have started asking me for tips for adjusting to LinkedIn's changes. Do you have LinkedIn’s new user interface on your computer yet? If not, you should have it by the end of March. The occasional LinkedIn user might not even notice when the look of their LinkedIn changes on their computer. The more frequent LinkedIn user might be thrown off by these changes. They might start wondering how to update their profile and/or how to navigate effectively.   Profile Layout   The new look of LinkedIn is much like the way that LinkedIn displays on a mobile device [...]

By |2017-03-06T22:01:17-07:00March 6th, 2017|0 Comments

Getting Sales Navigator on LinkedIn

Until now, I have never considered getting Sales Navigator on LinkedIn, but I have changed my mind. Here’s why. This year I am expanding the business offerings of my company. I will continue to help small business owners and entrepreneurs be more productive with LinkedIn and other social media platforms. My new offering is providing LinkedIn training for teams of sales professionals. Many sales professionals can benefit from LinkedIn features not available to those with a free account. If I am to help them use those features, I will need to get them myself. If you’re considering moving to a [...]

By |2017-02-15T18:39:50-07:00February 15th, 2017|0 Comments

Preparing for LinkedIn’s Changes

Are you preparing for LinkedIn’s changes? As you may be aware, LinkedIn doesn’t announce when its changes are happening. Instead, they tend to gradually roll them out user by user. The next change for LinkedIn users will be the overall design of their LinkedIn profile. Also, the navigation tools are changing as well as certain features going away. While I don’t have these changes, one of my tutoring clients does. I was happy to see the new look “in person” so I could investigate it. Here are some of my thoughts on what I found: There are things that will [...]

By |2017-01-09T22:04:44-07:00January 9th, 2017|0 Comments
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