Blogging and social media go hand in hand.


True, you can have a very satisfying experience on social media without blogging.

Yet, once you blog regularly, you as a business owner, someone passionate about a cause, or simply someone with a creative bent, can spread the word even more broadly via social media.


I got started with blogging back in April of 2012 shortly after my website went live. By late July, I was blogging twice a week, and for the most part have been blogging that often since then.

One of the many things I find beneficial about blogging has been sharing helpful information on social media that I glean from someone else’s blog, newsletter or website.

At first, I was just sharing my blog posts via Facebook and LinkedIn.

Once I got active on Twitter, I also tweeted each post right after I created it. Then late in the fall, I started posting them to my Boomers’ Social Media Tutor board on my Pinterest profile.

Most recently, I have added StumbleUpon to the venues where I share my blog posts.

The value of connecting my blog posts with these social media sites is that more people have a chance to find out about me and my take on social media.

The more people know about me and my services, the more likely I am to have more clients for my social media tutoring business.


But don’t just take my word for it.

Jeff Bullas, a long time blogger and social media expert, routinely writes about the value of blogging and connecting it to social media. His blog post “20 Reasons Why You Should Blog Before you Twitter” especially caught my interest:

What he wrote made me feel better for waiting to have my blog established before I started to venture much into Twitter. Now when people find me on Twitter, they can find out more about me via my blog.

Janet Aronica offered some excellent tips in her piece “7 Ways to Increase Your Blog Visibility With Social Sharing” in the June 11, 2012 issue of Social Media Examiner:

Here are the key tips from her article:

  1. Identify Your Most Popular Posts and Keywords
  2. Track and Leverage Trends
  3. Think “Why Would People Share This?”
  4. Make the Most of Your Headline
  5. Test Different Kinds of Promotion
  6. Optimize Your Content for Shareability
  7. Have Something Waiting for New Readers

Do you blog? If so, how do you connect your blog with your social site world? What kinds of results are you getting?


Joyce Feustel, Founder of Boomers’ Social Media Tutor, helps people relatively new to social media to become more effective and comfortable in their use of this medium. Find her at