Boomers' Blog

Catching On To the Basics of Twitter

Do you remember when you first started using Twitter? I don’t mean when you first set up your Twitter account, but when you started tracking with Twitter on a regular basis? It’s just been a couple of weeks since social media guru Melody Jones @SocMediaMelody tutored me in Twitter 101. Since that time, I have systemically assigned all those I follow on Twitter into lists. I have tweeted more, and I have started to more frequently used the @ and # symbols. OK, for those of you who are pros at using Twitter, I know all this sounds pretty darn [...]

By |2012-09-08T18:36:18-06:00September 6th, 2012|2 Comments

AARP Partners with LinkedIn to Help Job Seekers

Are you age 50 or older and looking for work? If your answer is yes, you might want to check out Work Reimagined, a new service recently developed by AARP and powered by LinkedIn, the career-oriented social media website. The August/September issue of AARP The Magazine gave a very helpful overview of this service on page 76. Here is a link to the online article: Quoting from the article, “Work Reimagined can point you to those businesses on LinkedIn that have a special interest in workers with long experience….You’ll find firms that are looking for the strong work [...]

By |2012-09-04T22:32:31-06:00September 4th, 2012|4 Comments

Respecting Each Other’s Point of View – On Facebook and in General

With the Republican National Convention wrapping up tonight and the Democratic National Convention around the corner, it seems that everywhere we turn, we are inundated with people espousing their political point of view. As someone who has participated in the world of politics, both as someone who has held local elected office and as an observer of the political world, I do my best to respect all points of view. Sometimes that can be hard to do, especially when you feel passionately about an issue. I know I struggle to know how to frame my thoughts, whether in a conversation [...]

By |2012-08-30T23:02:09-06:00August 30th, 2012|0 Comments

Facebook Pages for Clubs and Community Groups

What is the purpose of a Facebook page for a Toastmasters club, service club or other group? Bring in new members. Build camaraderie within the club. Promote the club to the larger world. All the above. In my opinion, it can be all of the above, but each situation is different. During a discussion I recently led on how Toastmasters clubs can benefit from a Facebook group or page, the question was raised – does having a Facebook page bring in new members for that particular club? The answer was – not necessarily. Yet when Toastmasters (or members of any [...]

By |2012-08-28T22:57:52-06:00August 28th, 2012|0 Comments

Immersing Myself in Facebook Groups and Pages

On Saturday I will be giving a presentation on Facebook Groups and Pages to club leaders from Toastmasters clubs in the Denver metro area. Besides demonstrating how to create and manage these entities, I will distribute a handout for people to take home. That’s what I have been working on tonight. As the saying goes – you learn what you teach. The folks at Facebook have provided easy to understand information on the process of creating and managing groups and pages at their Facebook Help Center at   Even though I have already created a Facebook page for my [...]

By |2012-08-23T23:32:40-06:00August 23rd, 2012|0 Comments

Time to Get More Twitter Savvy

Are you a regular user of Twitter? If so, how do you use it? Some people find it a great way to search for information, even better than using Google. Others like using it to follow their favorite celebrities, sports figures, and/or thought leaders in their profession. Twitter can also be an easy way to share links to helpful articles or entertaining YouTube clips. It can also be a terrific tool for businesses to use to keep in touch with their customers, especially the unhappy ones. I must admit that until recently I had kept an arm’s length relationship with [...]

By |2012-08-22T22:41:31-06:00August 21st, 2012|3 Comments

Channeling My Parents Via Social Media

In recent conversations with my sister, I got to thinking more about our parents and the impact they had on me and my way of approaching the world. As I wrote in a blog post a few weeks ago, my mother Natalie Eder was an lifelong learner.  She re-read the classics with me when I was in my teens and she was in her 40s. Then in her 50s, she learned Spanish after my parents moved to Tucson, AZ. I truly believe that one reason I love social media so much, especially LinkedIn, is because, like my mom, I love [...]

By |2012-08-16T22:10:13-06:00August 16th, 2012|0 Comments

Cyberspace Networking – What’s Your Style?

I have been thinking lately about how my cyberspace networking style is so similar to the one I have when meeting people face to face. My style is extremely open, as I practically make a hobby out of meeting new people. There is something about getting to know the story of someone’s life (or at least the high points) that fascinates me. Curiously, I am much more willing to reach out to new people I encounter on LinkedIn than I am on Facebook. When I am in a group with someone on LinkedIn and I find their comments to be [...]

By |2012-08-14T22:13:58-06:00August 14th, 2012|0 Comments

Social Media Sites – How to Find the Best Ones for You

Just as I was mulling how to put together a blog post that would summarize and compare the major social media sites, I found a very well written piece that I thought my readers would find very helpful.  I found it through a posting in my LinkedIn newsfeed, and it was posted by an official representative of the LinkedIn social media website. Author Katherine Reynolds Lewis in her article: “Facebook, LinkedIn, and Tweets, Oh My! Everything a Working Mom Needs to Know about Social Networking” takes a very practical approach to contrasting these social media sites. She answers the following [...]

By |2012-08-09T22:23:50-06:00August 9th, 2012|2 Comments

Sports Fans on Social Media

Are you a sports fan? Do you follow your favorite sports team on Twitter or on Facebook? It is also fun to search YouTube if you want to see interviews with your favorite players or highlights from a key game. College and professional football fans are chomping at the bit for the football season to take off. Or perhaps you are still rooting for your favorite baseball team to win the World Series. Since my Colorado Rockies keep falling into a downward spiral, I am turning my attention to football, which is my very favorite sport anyway. As a lifelong [...]

By |2012-08-06T22:45:08-06:00August 6th, 2012|8 Comments
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