Boomers' Blog

80/20 Rule in Social Media

Have you been turned off by people and companies being too salesy and promotional on social media? I know I have. On social media as in real life, it’s important to remember that people want to be entertained, inspired, and informed. They don’t want to be sold something. Marketing via websites, billboards, brochures, and other traditional types of tools involve pushing information at people. However, on social media sites, people “pull” the information they want, meaning they only pull what interests them. They don’t want anyone pushing anything else at them. Take some time and review everything you’ve posted on [...]

By |2016-03-14T08:35:22-06:00March 14th, 2016|0 Comments

Oversight and Ownership of Your Facebook Business Page

This blog title may sound very obvious – naturally a business owner needs to own their business page on Facebook. Another equally obvious way to say this is a business page needs to be connected to the personal Facebook account of its owner. However, as obvious as it seems, there can be challenges when a business owner has someone else create and manage his or her business page. One of the biggest challenges can happen when the hired assistant creates the business page from their personal Facebook account, rather than from the account of the business owner for whom s/he is working. [...]

By |2016-03-07T21:49:58-07:00March 7th, 2016|0 Comments

LinkedIn’s Help Center is Helpful

Have you used the help center LinkedIn provides? Many times I have been able to find the answer to a question I have regarding LinkedIn simply by cruising around the help center. However, sometimes I have needed to write to their staff to get the answer. There really are people there whose job it is to help people with LinkedIn questions. This post covers information on both the “self-service” approach to using the help center and the process for engaging with the help center staff. Here is a link to the help center:   LinkedIn’s Help Center Now Easier [...]

By |2016-02-28T23:35:18-07:00February 28th, 2016|0 Comments

LinkedIn Profiles Are For YOU, Not Your Business

As a business owner, it is tempting to make your LinkedIn profile be about your business and not so much about you. Just keep in mind that you - the person - need to be the focus of your profile. When you own a business, you typically describe the business in the third person your website, in a brochure, or in other marketing materials. There is a section of LinkedIn where you can use this approach – the company page, which works very much like a business page does on Facebook. However, the focus of a LinkedIn profile should be [...]

By |2016-02-22T08:53:59-07:00February 22nd, 2016|0 Comments

Facebook Lists – What Are They and How to Use Them

Ever wish you could focus on just the news feed posts of some Facebook friends and less on the posts of others? There is a way: Facebook Lists. These lists are part of the Friends section that you see in the left column on your Home page.   What are Facebook Lists? To access them, just click on the word FRIENDS. What you see now are the generic lists that Facebook has automatically created for you. They include everywhere your profile says you went to school, each place you said you worked, close friends, and family. If any of these [...]

By |2016-02-14T22:49:30-07:00February 14th, 2016|0 Comments

How to Hide Things on Facebook

In my Facebook for Beginners classes, students are always asking me how to hide things such as ads, games, etc. While not everything one might wish to hide can be hidden, there are ways to hide certain things. For example, you can tell Facebook that you don’t want to see a particular ad or ads for a particular company. But most likely there will always be ads, as having ads is one way that Facebook is able to remain a free service to all those who use it. Here are some things you CAN hide on Facebook:   Hiding Parts [...]

By |2016-02-07T23:20:17-07:00February 7th, 2016|0 Comments

Publishing Blog Posts on LinkedIn

Are you publishing blog posts on LinkedIn? Even though this feature was opened up to most LinkedIn users nearly two years ago, not that many folks are taking advantage of it. There are other ways to share info on LinkedIn – such as via posting short updates and/or sharing what other connections put on LinkedIn. It’s a good idea to regularly post short updates to share quick tips, trends, and observations related to your field of expertise. This keeps you top-of-mind, without being pushy or overtly marketing your business. Another practice I recommend is commenting on and sharing the updates [...]

By |2016-02-01T23:18:14-07:00February 1st, 2016|0 Comments

Tagging on Facebook: Terrific or Terrible?

Ever wonder why you get notifications in your globe icon on Facebook from people you don’t even know? Chances are they are the result of having a Facebook friend “tag” you in a post they recently put up on Facebook. Tagging happens in photos – it’s when someone on Facebook identifies a Facebook friend in a picture. It also happens when the Facebook user enters the name of a Facebook friend in a post or a comment they make and creates a hyperlink to the personal page of that Facebook friend. Either way, the result is that a post that the [...]

By |2016-01-24T18:48:56-07:00January 24th, 2016|0 Comments

Get Savvy with Your Company’s Statistics

Who are your clients? Which of your services is most in demand? Where does your business really come from? This blog post will deviate from my typical approach of sharing various tips and/or observations about using social media sites. Instead, I’m sharing what I’ve learned from analyzing some of the statistics I gathered over the last two years of observing my own company. As I plan my business strategies and goals for 2016, I need to take into account (among other things) the nature of my clientele, what types of services they’ve purchased, and how they found me. This process has [...]

By |2016-01-19T21:42:44-07:00January 19th, 2016|0 Comments

Use Social Media to Get More Speaking Engagements

Many people grow their business through speaking and training. Sometimes they are paid for these engagements, and other times they do them to solely market their business. Effective use of social media can help you secure more of these engagements. Here are some ways to do so using LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.   Using LinkedIn Include key words such as “speaking,” “training,” and related terms in your LinkedIn profile headline, your summary, and in other parts of your profile. Include video clips from recent speaking engagements in your summary and in the appropriate job listings in your experience section. Create [...]

By |2016-01-13T16:21:58-07:00January 10th, 2016|0 Comments
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