Boomers' Blog

Which Social Media Sites Work Best for Business Purposes?

Which social media sites work best for business purposes? This is a critical question for business owners to address before becoming active on social media. There are many factors to take into consideration when answering this question, including the demographics of your clients, which sites they use, and the sites your competitors use. Bear in mind that the sites you use and the time you put into them are likely to vary over time.   Demographics of Your Clients The age of your clients is a major consideration. If your clients are 45 and up, they are more likely to [...]

By |2017-02-11T21:13:14-07:00February 11th, 2017|0 Comments

How Much Time Should I Spend to be Effective on Social Media?

Many people wonder how to spend their time on social media when using it for business purposes. Many people in the classes I teach and those whom I tutor privately ask me this question. My answer is: Less time than you may think. When answering this question, I make a distinction between time spent for business vs. time spent for personal reasons. How much time to spend online for personal reasons will vary a lot from person to person. Some people like to hang out a lot on social media, just like some people like to watch a lot of [...]

By |2017-01-31T22:36:59-07:00January 31st, 2017|0 Comments

Determining Which Business Networking Groups Are Best for You

Finding the business networking groups that fit you best can be a big challenge. In the Denver area where I live, there are hundreds of groups to choose from. The same is likely true where you live. So, it can be difficult even for someone well-versed in networking to determine the best fit. And someone brand-new to the business networking scene can find it quite overwhelming. One of the best groups I’ve found is a Meetup called #5280Inspired Meetup: Connect and Build a Strong Network. It was founded in early 2015 by Alyce Blum, a networking coach and consultant, to [...]

By |2017-01-28T20:31:04-07:00January 23rd, 2017|0 Comments

Facebook Makes Format Changes

Every now and then Facebook makes format changes. If you access Facebook via computer, you may have noticed some changes. If you’re one of the many who use it almost exclusively on their mobile devices, things probably haven’t changed. At least not that much. The computer-access format changes can be frustrating when you first see them. The first thing I noticed is that the left side of the Home page just looks different. Three parts are the same:  your name and the little photo of you, plus your Newsfeed. But everything else is different. After I got used to those [...]

By |2017-01-16T21:04:18-07:00January 16th, 2017|0 Comments

Preparing for LinkedIn’s Changes

Are you preparing for LinkedIn’s changes? As you may be aware, LinkedIn doesn’t announce when its changes are happening. Instead, they tend to gradually roll them out user by user. The next change for LinkedIn users will be the overall design of their LinkedIn profile. Also, the navigation tools are changing as well as certain features going away. While I don’t have these changes, one of my tutoring clients does. I was happy to see the new look “in person” so I could investigate it. Here are some of my thoughts on what I found: There are things that will [...]

By |2017-01-09T22:04:44-07:00January 9th, 2017|0 Comments

Serving Others in Cyberspace

Are you involved in serving others in cyberspace?  Or perhaps you are the recipient of virtual services. Maybe you have done both at some time or another. At this point in the evolution of cyberspace, it is actually quite common to have a business relationship with someone you may never meet “ITRW” (in the real world). What’s prompting me bring up this matter is a comment I recently saw on LinkedIn in which someone mentioned a post he thought was fake. He went on to say he would never do business with someone he hadn’t met in person. There was [...]

By |2017-01-03T18:44:58-07:00January 3rd, 2017|0 Comments

Commending Others via Facebook and LinkedIn

During this annual season of giving,  consider commending others via Facebook and LinkedIn. Such commendations honor those people and companies that have served you well during the past year.   Here are some tips for how to do it:   Commending Others on Facebook Review people or companies on their business page just as you might post reviews on Yelp or Google. Start by searching for the person or company’s business page. You will find the Reviews option on the left side of the page. Some business pages will not have it available, but hopefully most will. Click on the word Reviews and select [...]

By |2016-12-11T23:31:53-07:00December 11th, 2016|0 Comments

LinkedIn Can Promote Membership Organizations

There are many ways that LinkedIn can promote a membership organization. Recently, I did a LinkedIn training for the board of directors of the Denver Jewish Chamber of Commerce (DCJJ). They asked me to help them find ways to use LinkedIn to help them grow. The recommendations I gave this group can be successfully applied to other membership-based organizations. Ways LinkedIn Can Promote a Membership Organization Board members should include their position in the experience section of their own profiles for several reasons: Positions in the experience section get more attention than those in the organizations section. Positions come up in the [...]

By |2016-12-06T22:03:16-07:00December 6th, 2016|0 Comments

Facebook Posts: Selecting Your Audience

Facebook users can select their audiences for Facebook posts on their personal page. Have you tried changing your audiences? You do it in the section to the left of the blue Post button in the status update box. It’s important that you keep in mind that whatever audience you select will become the default for your next post. So you must be vigilant about remembering to check that you’ve got the right audience for your current post. For example, let’s say you have a post that’s more personal in nature. It’s one you’d prefer to not have your business acquaintances who are also Facebook friends see. [...]

By |2016-11-27T23:46:13-07:00November 27th, 2016|0 Comments

Challenges of Having Two Facebook Accounts

Many people choose to have two Facebook accounts: one for their personal life and one for their business life. In addition, some will use this business-oriented account to replace having an actual business page. I understand the desire to keep personal and business lives separate on Facebook. However, there are challenges with having two Facebook accounts. And for the most part, these challenges overshadow any perceived benefits. First, it is against Facebook’s terms of service to create an account solely for business purposes. Therefore, Facebook has the right to shut down these accounts, and I am familiar with two instances [...]

By |2016-11-20T22:02:57-07:00November 20th, 2016|0 Comments
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