Boomers' Blog

Use LinkedIn Conversation Windows to Send Messages

Have you been using conversation windows to send messages on LinkedIn? They look like the chat boxes you see on Facebook. I just noticed this feature in the last week or so. At first, I had my typical response to a new development on LinkedIn – oh dear, now I need to figure out something new again. Then, I reminded myself that people who turn to me for guidance appreciate that I am up to date on this platform. Having a done a bit of research into this new feature, here is what I learned.   How it Works Likely, [...]

By |2017-07-17T22:35:38-06:00July 17th, 2017|0 Comments

Learning from the Pros at Social Media Day Denver: Mile High Influence

By the end of June 30th, I was almost in overload from all I had learned from a stellar group of presenters. Yet, I am so glad I joined the nearly 200 others at Social Media Day Denver: Mile High Influence. Social Media Day is an internationally recognized day devoted to celebrating the ways social media has changed our lives for the better. Erin Cell, founder of Socially Powered, was the driving force behind the first large-scale Social Media Day event in Denver. Assisted by an extensive team of volunteers, Erin worked tirelessly to pull off a very successful event [...]

By |2017-07-05T20:59:55-06:00July 5th, 2017|0 Comments

Take Your Speaking to the Next Level by Joining Toastmasters

Business owners and other business professionals need to be effective at presenting their ideas one-on-one and in front of larger groups. And there are times when we need to provide feedback to others. These people can include business partners, employees, vendors, contractors, and, of course, customers. In addition, being able to communicate in a clear and succinct manner, whether formally or informally, is an important skill for everyone to master. What can you do if you want to make a powerful impact whenever you speak, but are not a natural presenter? As a long-time member, I highly recommend joining a [...]

By |2017-06-26T23:11:17-06:00June 26th, 2017|2 Comments

How Do You Like to Learn About Social Media?

Do you have a preference about how you like to learn about social media? Do you like group classes? Private tutoring? What about webinars? When I first started my business, one-on-one tutoring was the main way I helped people learn about using social media. Within the first year, I started offering training to groups. This year, I started offering both free and paid webinars. As I reflect on the evolving nature of my business offerings, it occurs to me that for some people, one modality is best. For others, a mix of two is better. And there are times when [...]

By |2017-06-21T15:21:33-06:00June 21st, 2017|0 Comments

Use Facebook to Honor Your Favorite Local Organizations

How can you use Facebook to honor local organizations such as chambers of commerce, professional/trade organizations, broad-based business networking groups, category-specific leads/referral groups? Last week, in just one day, I attended: the monthly meeting of my professional organization my favorite broad-based networking group a signature event hosted by one of the chambers of commerce I belong to. Because each of these organizations is so important to me, I often spread the word about them through Facebook. I don’t do this every time I attend a meeting, but each of these gatherings felt special enough to me to call attention to [...]

By |2017-06-12T23:23:21-06:00June 12th, 2017|0 Comments

Options for Posting on LinkedIn

There are several options for posting on LinkedIn: updates (sometimes called posts), articles, and images. You share all these from your homepage. Lately I’ve noticed that I get a bigger reach with the updates I post than with the articles I’ve published. My suggestion is to mix it up posting both updates and articles, as they serve different purposes. Articles and updates appear in your feed and in the Articles and Activities section of your profile. Updates are typically visible for about 14 days. One of the benefits of posting articles is that they remain visible on your profile indefinitely, [...]

By |2017-05-31T15:55:32-06:00May 30th, 2017|0 Comments

Use Facebook Live Videos Effectively at Events

Have you been wondering how to use Facebook Live videos effectively at events? Creating these videos can be fun, once you get the hang of it. They are a straightforward way of drawing attention to your event. And they’re free. You create them through the Facebook app on your smart phone. Begin as though you were going to create a post, but click on the word “Live” below the box where you would type. Type in a brief description of what you are about to record, then click on the arrows at the top right to record someone else. To [...]

By |2017-05-23T00:25:29-06:00May 23rd, 2017|0 Comments

How to Handle Awkward Situations on Social Media

Have you ever been in an awkward situation on a social media site? Perhaps you were the one posted something you later felt awkward about. Or perhaps someone else did something that seemed awkward to you. However, you didn’t know how to let them know so they hopefully wouldn’t make the same mistake again. With Mother’s Day fresh in our minds, I got to thinking about this topic. Often our mothers (or others in their generation) want to communicate with us on a social site. Yet, not having grown up using social media, they can be prone to doing things [...]

By |2017-05-17T22:25:29-06:00May 17th, 2017|0 Comments

What’s the Point of Sharing and Schmoozing on LinkedIn?

Many people have asked me - what's the point of sharing and schmoozing on LinkedIn? This question led me to create my first webinar: “Sharing and Schmoozing on LinkedIn.” It’s available, free, at Check it out, and while you’re there, consider subscribing to my YouTube channel. This post covers some reasons people don’t share and schmooze on LinkedIn and the value of doing it. In case you haven’t heard of the word “schmooze,” it is Yiddish and comes from the root (also Yiddish) “schmuesn” which means “to chat.” Jewish immigrants brought this word to the US where it has [...]

By |2017-05-10T23:23:26-06:00May 10th, 2017|0 Comments

Reasons Why Millennials Like Using LinkedIn

Although most of my clients are 50 and older, I have a special place in my heart for millennials. Many of my closest business advisers and associates are millennials. Last month, I was researching the topic of millennials and LinkedIn for a talk at my Toastmasters club. According to the articles I found, LinkedIn often doesn’t appeal to millennials because: They consider it boring compared to the sites they typically frequent. It can feel too structured to them, and they can become overwhelmed with all the sections to complete in their profile. They don’t see very many other millennials to [...]

By |2017-05-03T13:51:38-06:00May 1st, 2017|0 Comments
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