Boomers' Blog

What Voice Do You Use in Your Social Media Posts?

What voice do you use in your social media posts? Recently, I was pondering this question as I was reading the LinkedIn posts of a couple of social media colleagues. I wondered if perhaps I should mimic their approach when writing my posts. Then after further reflection, I realized that it’s better for me to continue to use the style I’ve always used. "What is your style?” you may be asking. My natural approach, in case you hadn’t noticed, is to take a “how-to” style for my posts. My bachelor’s degree was in English Education, and I have a master’s [...]

By |2021-03-11T09:22:08-07:00March 11th, 2021|0 Comments

Deciding How to Respond to Connection Invites on LinkedIn

Do you have difficulty deciding how to respond to connection invites on LinkedIn? Many of my clients have trouble deciding what to do with these invites. Some people have simple, across-the-board criteria when it comes to making this decision. For me, there are a number of variables I take into consideration.    To Connect or Not to Connect? Here are some examples of criteria you might want to apply to help you decide whether to connect with someone. There's a potential for a business relationship with this person. The two of you are part of the same professional, business, or [...]

By |2021-03-04T08:13:22-07:00March 4th, 2021|0 Comments

Use Facebook and LinkedIn to Follow Up with People You Meet

How do you use Facebook and LinkedIn to follow up with people you meet in business networking groups? There are a number of considerations when it comes to doing this type follow up. The first one is which of the people you meet while networking  do you want to stay in touch with? A second consideration is which social sites do you want to use to stay in touch? This blog post will primarily address connecting with them on LinkedIn and Facebook. There are other sites, such as Instagram and Twitter, that could also be appropriate places to connect. One [...]

By |2021-02-24T20:55:55-07:00February 24th, 2021|0 Comments

Finding the Best Virtual Business Networking Groups

Finding the best virtual business networking groups can be challenging. Even without a pandemic going on, it can be hard to find business networking groups that are a good fit. Adding the dimension of only getting to interact virtually in these groups further complicates this decision. Most of the criteria you use when selecting the right business networking groups can also be applied when looking specifically at virtual groups. Other criteria are relevant only to virtual settings.   Criteria to Use When Selecting a Business Networking Group When they Meet: Find groups that meet at the time of day when [...]

By |2021-03-07T15:49:39-07:00February 18th, 2021|0 Comments

Make the Most of LinkedIn to Land Your Next Job

Here’s a question I often ask job seekers – do you make the most of LinkedIn to land your next job? Even in a strong economy with low unemployment rates, job seekers can still have problems landing a job. With the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, those problems have multiplied. Effective use of LinkedIn can increase the likelihood of landing the job you want. Optimizing your profile and effective use of key features can really help – if you use them to your best advantage.   Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile as a Job Seeker Profile Photo. Be sure it’s an [...]

By |2021-02-10T20:49:22-07:00February 10th, 2021|0 Comments

Effective Ways to Engage with People on LinkedIn

Are you wondering how to find some effective ways to engage with people on LinkedIn? Too many people think of social media as one-way communication. Remember the “social” in social media and look for ways to engage with people on LinkedIn and other social sites. The point of LinkedIn is to help people in the business world connect with each other. This means that you should spend at least some of your time liking, commenting on and sharing the information that others post. It’s important to find a good balance between sharing valuable information posted by others and sharing your [...]

By |2021-02-03T23:40:36-07:00February 3rd, 2021|0 Comments

Do You Regularly Ask for and Give Reviews on Google?

Do you regularly ask for and give reviews on Google? Until recently, I’ll admit that I hadn’t been doing much asking for or giving of these reviews. I’d been so focused on LinkedIn recommendations and Facebook business page reviews that I’d been neglecting Google reviews. Since I started asking for and receiving Google reviews, the activity on my Google My Business page has definitely increased.   What’s the Value of Having Good Google Reviews? There are countless reasons for having good Google reviews. In their August 2020 blog DevDigital shared 5 Reasons Why Google Reviews are Important for Your Business.  [...]

By |2021-01-28T08:19:08-07:00January 28th, 2021|0 Comments

Effective Ways For You to Invite People to Connect on LinkedIn

There are a number of effective ways for you to invite people to connect with you on LinkedIn. Conversely, there are plenty of ways to alienate potential connections when you send them a note with your invite. Perhaps as part of your plans for expanding your LinkedIn involvement, you want to increase the number of your connections. Before you create your own strategy for inviting people to connect with you, reflect on how you use LinkedIn. If you use it mainly to grow your business, you will likely reach out to potential clients and referral partners. If you use it [...]

By |2021-01-20T21:45:50-07:00January 20th, 2021|2 Comments

There’s a Power in Belonging to Facebook Groups

There's a power in belonging to Facebook Groups. In the last two months, I’ve upped my involvement in a handful of groups, having terrific experiences as a result. In this blog post, I will share with you some of my experiences in three of these groups. Since all these groups are private Facebook groups, I’m not giving out their exact names. If you want to know more about any of them, please contact me at   People Who Want to Step Up Their LinkedIn Presence Do you want to step up your LinkedIn presence? Yes, it may seem odd [...]

By |2021-01-14T21:47:05-07:00January 14th, 2021|0 Comments

Make Your LinkedIn Experience Section More Engaging

I challenge you to make your LinkedIn experience section more engaging. Too often this section is simply a rehash of your professional resume. Make it more like a resume on steroids! Keep in mind that you have up to 100 characters for each of your position titles and nearly 2,000 characters for each position description.   Here Are 5 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Experience Section More Engaging Expand on your current position titles. Typically, people use the exact language of a position title when they would be better served by expanding on it. Add words or phrases that more [...]

By |2021-01-07T09:26:06-07:00January 7th, 2021|0 Comments
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