
About Joyce

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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Social Media Balancing Act

How many social media sites are you actively engaging on? By that, do you at least visit that site a few times a week? How many do you visit daily? How many do you visit several times a day? For me, I put Facebook, LinkedIn, and more recently Pinterest and Twitter into the category of active engagement, as in I visit those sites daily, and sometimes more than once during the day. So, those of you who live and breathe social media may be saying – big deal! Isn’t that what you are supposed to do? Maybe that’s what the [...]

By |2012-10-25T23:02:07-06:00October 25th, 2012|4 Comments

Preparing a Presentation on Social Media 101

Do you give presentations on social media? I have given them from time to time, yet sometimes struggle with how to approach the presentation. So often there is such a wide range of knowledge, background and experience in the audience, that it can be tough to teach to a common denominator. I want the “newbies” to at least get something out of their time with me. And I want the more experienced folks to benefit as well. How do you approach these kinds of situations? In keeping with the importance of “know your audience,” I always do as much research [...]

By |2012-10-23T22:30:25-06:00October 23rd, 2012|2 Comments

Newsweek Magazine – End of an Era

Tonight on my drive home from work I learned in a segment on National Public Radio that Newsweek will stop publishing its printed magazine at the end of 2012. It was a sad moment for me. With so many more people getting their news through social media, blogs and other digital sources, print magazines of a general nature like Newsweek simply can’t attract enough readership and advertising to make ends meet. For those of us who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, there are other iconic magazines of our youth whose demise has preceded that of Newsweek – think [...]

By |2012-10-18T20:23:12-06:00October 18th, 2012|2 Comments

Small Town Feel of Social Media

When I grew up near a rural farming community in Wisconsin in the 1950s and 1960s, people pretty much knew everyone else’s business. That’s one of the charms and challenges of small town living. And if you didn’t already hear the coming and goings of townsfolk informally, you could read about their social visits, birthday celebrations, graduations and many other activities in our local weekly newspaper, the Manawa Advocate. I go into all this because of the many times that I am on Facebook and have that déjà vu sense of finding out other people’s business whether I planned to [...]

By |2012-10-16T22:13:28-06:00October 16th, 2012|2 Comments

Social Media Certification Program at Colorado Free University

One night in July I started thumbing through the catalog of classes that Colorado Free University (CFU) sends me every month. Here is a great summary of CFU that I found on its website: “Colorado Free University is a lifelong learning center offering a wide array of skill-based and enrichment courses. More of a learning network than a traditional school, CFU draws its teachers from the community and all teachers are independent contractors. Classes are designed for busy adults who want to get useful information or new skills without having to commit a great amount of time.” I had taken [...]

By |2012-10-12T20:29:27-06:00October 11th, 2012|3 Comments

Social Media Critique Group

Tonight, I spent three amazingly productive hours with three other people. Four of us, including our facilitator Nazli Nomanbhoy, rolled up our sleeves in the Hands-On Web and Social Media Marketing Lab at Colorado Free University on the east side of Denver.   This lab is one of the required courses for the Social Media Manager Certificate that I am pursuing through CFU, and in many ways, it was the best course so far. What I especially loved about our time together was the way we each got to have a chance to share what our immediate needs were regarding [...]

By |2012-10-11T19:46:27-06:00October 9th, 2012|4 Comments

Follow the Leader – Now LinkedIn Has Joined In

  One of the many reasons that people flock to the social media site Twitter (OK, so I couldn’t resist the pun) is the opportunity to track with the activities and observations of those they admire. Whether it is Lady Gaga or Deepak Chopra or the Dali Lama, our favorite sports figure or the leading thinkers in our industry, we have a window into their lives and their thoughts. Now the professional social media site LinkedIn has gotten on this band wagon by inviting LinkedIn members to follow people that LinkedIn has identified as influencers. So far, just over 100 [...]

By |2012-10-05T19:57:12-06:00October 4th, 2012|6 Comments

Endorsing Others on LinkedIn

Just recently LinkedIn, the professionally oriented social media website, launched a new feature. It provides LinkedIn users the opportunity to endorse their LinkedIn connections for skills that the connection has listed on their profile. You might have gotten an email recently that a LinkedIn connected endorsed you for a specific skill that you listed on your profile and wondered what was going on. Has that happened to you? Heck, maybe you forgot you even had an account on LinkedIn. For me, this new feature kind of took me by surprise. So, I was glad that others had already created some blog [...]

By |2012-10-01T22:32:05-06:00October 1st, 2012|2 Comments

Mindsets While On Social Media

Recently HubSpot Blog published an article by Pamela Vaughn entitled “New Study by LinkedIn Shows How User Mindset Affects Social Media Marketing.” The article summarizes research done by the social media website LinkedIn. This research contrasts the mindsets people have when they are using social media sites for professional purposes vs. personal purposes. It got into why people use different social media networks and what they expect from them, along with the emotions they feel when participating on them. Here is a link to this article for you to read more: What especially intrigued me was that toward the [...]

By |2012-09-25T22:49:57-06:00September 25th, 2012|2 Comments

Social Media Buddies

Who are your social media buddies? By that, I mean folks who you met through Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media sites and who then became more than just a cyberspace connection. They became a friend. These folks may help you figure out the nuances of that particular social media site. Maybe they can be counted on to share your posts on Facebook or retweet them on Twitter. Perhaps they are the ones who took you aside privately and pointed out how you might have handled a situation differently on that site. For some reason, when I think of [...]

By |2012-09-20T22:48:02-06:00September 20th, 2012|4 Comments
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