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So far Joyce has created 422 blog entries.

Colleagues or Competitors: How Do You View Others in Your Industry?

Toward the end of her class for small business owners "Social Media Made Simple", our teacher Kelly Mirabella was asked if we should connect on LinkedIn with our competitors. Kelly responded that whether or not to do that depended on your industry. In some industries, it would not be wise to have your director competitors have access to those connections you have cultivated so carefully. In other industries, there really isn’t an issue with a “competitor” having this access. She went on to say that in the social media industry, there is so much business and so much need for [...]

By |2013-05-01T10:33:04-06:00May 1st, 2013|0 Comments

Social Media Classes – Great Places to Learn and Network

Do you attend classes about social media? Whether you are an experienced user of a variety of social media platforms, or whether you are brand new to social media – classes can be a great tool for you. Naturally you expect to learn something about social media at a class. What you might not consider is the incredible opportunity to network at these classes. A recent Lunch and Learn on the topic Pinterest and sponsored by Social Media Study Hall was a gold mine for me in terms of the connections I made there. Find out more about Social Media [...]

By |2013-04-26T08:34:14-06:00April 26th, 2013|4 Comments

“Dumb” Questions About Social Media

When you have a “dumb” question about social media, who do you ask? Anyone who ever has been a first time parent can probably relate to how totally ignorant you can feel about basic baby care matters. You have what I call the “dumb” questions that you are embarrassed to ask people. So what to do? The person I turned to with my “dumb” questions about baby care was my sister-in-law Barbara. Though she was six years my junior, she had a baby 7 months prior to me giving birth to my baby. In my eyes, she was an expert [...]

By |2013-04-16T22:31:03-06:00April 16th, 2013|2 Comments

Volunteer Organizations Get the Word Out with Social Media

It was snowy day yesterday in the Denver area. So it wasn’t surprising that various events cancelled. Among the cancellations was a Toastmasters contest. For those not familiar with Toastmasters, it is an organization that helps people improve their communication and leadership skills. Being I am the social media chair for the multi-state entity known as a “district” in Toastmasters lingo, I was copied in an email about the rescheduling of this contest to a later date in April and asked to post the changes on our social media sites. Leaders in volunteer organizations are turning to social media more [...]

By |2013-04-10T08:35:46-06:00April 10th, 2013|0 Comments

Endorsing Skills on LinkedIn

Do you endorse the skills and expertise of others on the professional social media site LinkedIn? Are other people endorsing your skills and areas of expertise? Some people argue that these endorsements are meaningless. They point out that it's easy to make an endorsement compared to taking the time to write someone a recommendation. I beg to differ. True, there is a huge value of getting recommendations from people. These recommendations speak specifically to the particular way in which you engaged with that person. Plus I like to write recommendations for those I think deserve a public shout out. With endorsements, [...]

By |2013-04-05T10:36:19-06:00April 5th, 2013|4 Comments

6 Reasons to Network on LinkedIn

Do you know a business owner who would like to network more on LinkedIn? Maybe that person is you! Yesterday a business owner told me that he is on LinkedIn, but he just accepts invites. He doesn’t really do much with it otherwise. We talked for a bit about how he might expand his use of LinkedIn, especially how to use it for networking. I remember when I was new to LinkedIn and was exactly where he is now. For just over 18 months I had a skeletal profile on LinkedIn and to be nice to those who asked me [...]

By |2013-04-19T10:42:15-06:00April 2nd, 2013|10 Comments

9 Ways to Make Social Media Made Simple

Even though I am a social media tutor, there are aspects of social media that continue to mystify me. Social media trainer Kelly Mirabella is a gifted presenter. After her session today, I was less mystified. It amazed me how much she was able to cover today in a 2 hour session called “Social Media Made Simple.” This session was offered to business owners in Jefferson County and was sponsored by Constant Contact and the Jefferson County Resource Center. Over 40 business owners with a variety of social media background peppered Kelly with questions. She graciously and skillfully addressed each [...]

By |2013-03-28T21:17:58-06:00March 28th, 2013|2 Comments

Facebook Profile Changes

Do you have the new format for your Facebook personal profile? I just got mine a couple days ago, and for the most part, I like it. Here is what it looks like:!/joyce.feustel What I especially like is the larger size of the photos and having just one column for my postings. The overall look feels cleaner and simpler to me. What I find intriguing is that all the items that were at the top of my personal profile before are on the left hand side of the profile and are more prominent. These items include: Basic information in [...]

By |2013-03-26T22:59:02-06:00March 26th, 2013|0 Comments

Keeping Up with Social Media Changes

Ever get the feeling that as soon as you get the hang of how a social media site is laid out that the format changed on you? Facebook is probably the biggest “culprit” in this department. Sometimes it feels like a full time job to keep up with their changes. Just tonight on Pinterest, I found this a pin to this helpful blog post: Thank you, Norma Doiron, for letting us know that visuals will matter more in the new look of Facebook, as will the “likes” of a Facebook page. Quality content was always important, yet it will be [...]

By |2013-03-20T22:21:29-06:00March 20th, 2013|0 Comments

Posting on Social Media Sites – Frequency and Language

How often do you post on your Facebook business page? What about on Twitter or LinkedIn? Social media marketing trainer Lisa Ann Landry recommends the following frequency of posting: Facebook page – 1-3 times per day Google+ status update – 1-3 times per day LinkedIn status update – once per day Twitter – 10 tweets/retweets per day YouTube – once a day with a with a 1 ½ to 3 minute video Blogging – 1-3 times per week, with about 250-350 words in each blog post Feeling a bit tired just thinking of all that posting? Lisa Ann points out [...]

By |2013-03-14T21:06:19-06:00March 14th, 2013|1 Comment
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